A lot has been happening since I last posted - So here's the recap - - - -
(If you don't feel like reading the post, no worries, I don't blame you..although it does get happy at the end! But I do need your advice! Questions posted at the end of post. please comment)
2 weeks ago, my laptop crashed. Yep, my hard drive gave up on me and I lost everything. Yes, everything! All 9,000 photos including all my Ecuador photos, London photos, college photos, dating photos, our proposal photos, family photos...everything thing! I cried for 2 days.
I also lost all my previous school work including research papers.
I was also just about to finish editing a book. Yep, all the copies of the book are GONE! I've been working on it for MONTHS, and now I have nothing to work from. Luckily, I printed off a copy about a month ago, but now I have to retype it all...blast!
I have to reinstall all of the applications on my computer. Applications that I don't have disks for. How important is Word anyways?
James' car is dying. It feels like every few months we are getting it fixed and putting $$$ into it. We are down to one car right now. I'm freaking out because it scares me to only have one car, especially with a baby soon. I say sell his car and get a used one, but James doesn't want to have 2 car payments. It's just stressful. It's also stressful, because i'm stranded at home all day, and today he forgot to take out my purse which has my camera and ipod in it...which means I can't upload the few photos i DO have and I can't start over on my itunes library.
My doctors appointment a few weeks ago was good. I'm blood pressure is back to normal but I wasn't dilated or effacted at all. gr.
So, when I went on Friday, I told my family that if I hadn't progressed I would cry to my doctor. He checked me, and yep, still NOTHING! 37 weeks and nothing! He's full term now and I am MORE THAN READY to have our little son here.
I think I was SO READY because I've been so sick. I still have 'morning sickness' which has been the worst! I also have had a terrible head cold on top of that all. So, throwing up, major contractions, not dilated, not being able to breath, couldn't swallow = a not so good week. Oh, and it was all spent on the couch up at Pineview. My family took a 3 days boating get away and I was sick the whole time. Not so fun.
I'm worried that I won't know when to go to the Hospital to have our little guy. I've been have such bad contractions and cramping and all that, but knowing that I'm not dilated, I know I'm not ready to have him. I pray every night that my water will break, because I feel like that is the only way I will really know that it's baby time.
It's crazy how venting about all the negative things in my life right now make me appreciate all the good....
Even though I lost everything on my computer, I didn't have to purchase a new hard drive. Apple replaced it for free and even fixed my broken keyboard.
My nasty cold is pretty much gone. My voice is still manly, but I can handle that!
Before I got the cold, I was able to totally clean the house. EVERYTHING is organized and clean and washed. I'd love our little guy to come now so he can come home to a clean home. Cuz lets be honest, I don't know if I'll have the energy to do it again :)
We have a name for our Mister! Wanna know what it is...well, you'll have to wait til he makes his Grand Enterance!
The ward I grew up in is throwing me a baby shower this week! I'm so excited because there a few things we are still in need of and we might just get them without needing to purchase them.
Somebody or some people are doing like a 12 days of Christmas to us...although, it's 12 gifts til baby comes! How cute is that?! It is so fun to wake up to a package on our doorstep with baby gear. We've received binkies, clothes, baby bath, picture frame, baby play-mat and toys and more clothes. We are seriously so grateful to whoever is doing this...THANK YOU!
Normal weight gain for pregnancy is 25-35 pounds. I've only gained 25. (Yes, i've admitted how much weight i've gained so far) I'm sure my weight gain would be higher, but since I keep throwing up, I think that helps :)
Even though this is bad...I'm okay with it - I have 3 stretch marks. Yep, I do. But luckily they are on my low hip and they are only about an inch long. I hope I'll be able to keep them that way. Kinda funny story... One night I was laying in bed and said to James, 'I have stretch marks.' He said calmly, ' I know you do.' I was like WHAT?! You know? I Just noticed them. Where are they? And he went on to tell me they are on my hip. I was shocked that he had seem them days before I even noticed them, and he didn't mention it to me. What a great husband huH!? He then went on to tell me it was okay, because everyone gets me. (I know there are a lot of women who don't get them, but it still made me feel better)
My sister got engaged! Her fiancee is amazing and we just LOVE HIM! He invited us to the proposal and I have tons of pictures of it, but of course, they are in my purse, in my car, with James. So i'll have to post them another day. They are getting married September 29th. So soon! It has been so fun planning a wedding again. I cannot wait til they are married, they are seriously perfect for each other!
Well, I think that is pretty much everything that has gone on for the past 2 months. I go to my doctor again on Wednesday...I hope he gives me better news - i'm getting so ready and so excited to have my little guy in my arms! Only 20 days til my due date!!
(Hopefully if you didn't read the post, you caught this!)
I've been gathering and packing our hospital bags. (and yes, I'm putting the carseat in the car this week! I'm just that excited) But I need to know what all you Mommies took with you to the hospital and what you really didn't need and what you'd recommend. I don't want to over do it, but I don't want to forget anything either. Any hospital advice would be GREATLY appreciated! And I mean any hospital advice because we didn't take birthing classes, so we really don't know what to expect. So any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. (even advice about when we first get home :S ) I wanna be fully prepared while I still have time to prepare. THANKS!!