Friday, July 23, 2010

Bear Lake

My aunt Alice and uncle Dave were kind enough to let us stay with them at their cabin at Bear Lake last weekend. What a nice getaway!

We went to Minnetanka Cave in Idaho. Who knew in 90 degree weather than I was supposed to pack jackets for a tour of a cave that is 40 degrees?! So the girls wrapped up in blankets instead.

We just got in the cave and I took my second picture guessed it. The battery died and the spare battery was dead too! :( Well, the cave was fun. 440 steps down though and then 440 steps back up. We had the carry the girls the whole way up and needless to say, I was out of breath!
This is Jewel. She was such a crackup. She says hello, bye-bye, and cracker among other things. Her timing is what is hilarious. And she can laugh like nobody's business.

Bella and Dad.

The hummingbirds were loving their feeder out on the deck.

Bryndi thought it was just as fun to swing from the top of the swing.

View from the deck.

Yes, that's a pregnant tummy I'm sportin'.

At this point I'm disgusted with the lack of picture taking I did. I didn't take any pics of us playing out on the lake, of the 3 dogs the girls adored, of my wonderful aunt and uncle, of Richard's family David, Cindy, Braden, Carter, and Sylvia that met us to play on the lake, of us 4 wheeling, etc. etc. You'll just have to imagine that stuff!

AND, I don't have final picture of Bella with her Binky. Cause it's finally gone! We cut the tip off of them all and she decided that she didn't like them anymore. Day 2 without having to keep track of that silly piece of silicone. She hasn't cried much at all, and she only wakes up once in the night. Wish I'd done it sooner!

100 blooms

The asiatic lilies in our front yard were crazy this year. There were several plants with 30 or 40+ blooms on one stem. But THIS one had over 100 blooms on just the one stem! The weight was too much for it, so it broke and we brought it inside. I wonder what will happen next year...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bella turns two!

Bella's birthday was on June 23rd. TWO years old. We went swimming that afternoon and that evening I made 6 chocolate cupcakes and Bryndi and I sang happy birthday to Bella. I think she did a good job at joining in too.

Bella got a box of princess dress ups for her present.

Pretty princesses!

At the extended family party she got pina colada cupcakes with little umbrellas on top. The umbrellas were a big hit!

Tonight Richard was gone helping friends move and Bryndi was at a friend's house, so I got some alone time with Bella. We cuddled on the couch for a long time while I sang to her. If she knew the song she joined in. Everyone that talks to Bella is impressed with her vocabulary and speaking skills. She has full conversations, knows her colors, counting, songs, prayers, and how to repeat anything we say. So smart AND beautiful. I love this girl so much!!


Well, first I had to throw in this picture. I love the way Bella is can't get the cantaloupe into her mouth quickly enough!

We went to Orem's Summerfest on June 12. That also was our 6th anniversary and Richard arranged for us to have dinner at the Chef's Table the night before and stay at the Hines Mansion. Love that place. Anyway, I took my camera to summerfest and I only took 3 pictures. What?! We saw the whole parade and rode all sorts of rides and ate all sorts of terrible food--like cheesecake on a stick. Mmm. But, no pics. Sorry. At least we documented the carousel! Oh, and I lost my wedding ring. :( Of all the days to lose one's wedding ring--on my anniversary! I hope some poor person found it and hocked it at the pawn shop in order to buy food to put on their table. Or something like that.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thank you Mommy

This morning Bryndi gave me a picture that she colored and said, "Mommy! I made this picture for you to thank you for being such a great mom!" Melt my heart.

The only thing is, the picture was one of Grumpy Bear with the caption saying, "Look who's grumpy!" I wonder if that has any significance...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bathroom remodel

We needed a new tub for our bathroom downstairs, so we decided to put tile in while we were at it. Then of course we had to get a new shower curtain, then new towels and rug, new accessories, and paint too. Richard did all the work himself. I helped a little and did the painting. He did a great job!!

This is as close as I got to a "before" picture!

I love this shower curtain!

There wasn't a shelf by the old tub. Richard built this one in. So nice.

Now for the upstairs bathroom...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood. 100 Miles. June 5, 2010

My sister-in-law Shelli and I rode the Little Red Riding Hood on Saturday, June 5th. It's a women's only cycling ride through Northern Utah and Southern Idaho.

My first tattoo. My sister-in-law Daneen wrote "Dylan" on my arm with Henna before the race. I dedicated the ride to my friend Dylan who passed away from leukemia 3 1/2 years ago at the young age of 15. I'm sure he could watch us from heaven!

We started at 8:30 am, after spending the night in Brigham City with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Rick.

There were rest stops every 10-15 miles and we took advantage of them! Plenty of food and water and women on bikes everywhere!
Shelli's first time to Idaho!

Thanks to Kelly for these great pictures!!
Victory at the finish line! We finished at 5:15 pm! 100 miles. Whew!