Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cupcake Wars

One of Bryndi's favorite shows is on Food Network and it's called Cupcake Wars. Earlier this week she asked me if we could play Cupcake Wars. She wanted to be a judge or a baking assistant. So I went to town! The cute judges said the cupcakes were good. So I guess that means I win?
I used a chocolate cupcake recipe out of the Deceptively Delicious cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld. Then I made strawberry cream cheese filling and topped them with chocolate buttercream frosting. Oh yum! I'll post the recipe on my cooking blog.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bird's Nests

Bryndi really wanted a bird's nest, so I dug out the craft supplies and we went to town.
Bryndi's nest

Bella's nest

Friend Chloe's nest

Of course the nest belongs in the tree.

Her shirt says "tweet love". Aww.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Surprise party

I need to write down what this daughter of mine did yesterday.

Bryndi has been more difficult than usual last week. More talking back, arguing, not doing what she is asked, etc. I was getting pretty frustrated, but trying to be patient and figure out what to do to get her back on track. Then Saturday morning she woke up and announced that she was going to clean the whole house and throw me a surprise party. "Okay, Bryndi, that sounds fun", I say. During the day she asked me to help her make a cake, which I declined but told her we'd come up with a different dessert. She asked for decorations and I told her I didn't have any. So she asked for paper and proceeded to color and cut the paper into strips and tape the paper strips up in the kitchen and in her bedroom to decorate. Cute! She told me she was doing all this because she loved me and she knew it would make me happy to have a party. She said she didn't have a gift for me, so she set out with the paper, crayons, and tape and made me a box with a cut out heart, a rainbow, and another heart box inside--to keep my notes in. After dinner we had ice cream sundaes for our party. With sprinkles. Then I thought the party was over. "Mom! Now its time for games!" She planned out musical chairs and a pillow race game and a game where you have to keep a balloon up in the air and not let it hit the ground. Pretty fun :) At the end of it all she told me again how much she loves me and that she did the whole party for me because she loves me. What a thoughtful tender heart she has. I feel so honored to be her mom!


Last week Bryndi made this snowman. All by herself!! She came up with asking me for blueberries to use for the eyes, mouth and buttons. Pretty clever. Oh, and she's a snowwoman!

Bella and Richard made this snowman a few weeks ago. I'm loving the walnuts :)


We painted Bryndi's cast with hearts and butterflies!

She got it off on February 15th and after a couple weeks of limping, is now walking normally again!

Rachel loves her blankies.

She wads it in as big a ball as possible and then squeezes tight!

Bella needed some camera time too :)

The many faces of Rachel

Loves to stick out her tongue!

Has 2 cute teeth.


Happy baby.

Rachel is sporting a size 12 month shirt and 3-6 month pants. She has short little legs!

Loves to get into drawers and pull everything out!

Just blew out her birthday candle!

Stuff it all in your mouth!

How many fingers can I fit in my mouth?

A little too dainty for making huge messes.

Birthday presents!

Bella's 3rd birthday...yep that was back in June!

I found some pictures on my small camera that I don't use as often. Bella turned 3 on June 23rd! I put all her presents in one big box.

She's growing up so fast! She has already lost the toddler chub look that she has in this picture :,(

Christmas? Better blogging late than never...

I know it's March. I was terrible at taking pictures at Christmastime this year. So this will have to do!

This is what the girls got for Christmas from Santa! Best. Dollhouse. Ever. It was also lovely that Santa bought it back in October. He got it for a much better price and no hassles :)

She'll grow into it. I think you have to be 4 years old to see the top shelf ;)