Monday, July 27, 2009

Note to self: Don't let the baby play with food coloring.

That's right. Bella was playing with the food coloring while I was making dinner. I turned around to see this scene and had to grab the camera!

No, I am not dying easter eggs. Nor am I bathing the child in pee, as Bryndi was afraid I was doing. Bright yellow-green water. Fun for us! Is is okay to wash your baby's mouth out with soap in this instance? ;)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pictures with family

A few more pics from our California trip.

Happy 83rd birthday Grandma!

We visited Richard's aunt Ruth and her husband Geno in Sparks Nevada. We had a great time and Geno made us a delicious Italian dinner!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hakone Japanese Gardens

Richard served his mission in Japan, so we love all things Japanese. When I was looking up things to do in San Jose during our vacation I found these Gardens online. The oldest Japanese Gardens in the country and they are in Saratoga, southwest San Jose.

I love waterfalls!

Koi pond. These fish were huge!

Bamboo Garden

Bella by the wisteria.

This place was so beautiful!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yosemite continued

Richard does beautiful panorama shots. This one is of Bridal Veil Fall.

We hiked up to Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail. It was a "moderate" level hike and we were feeling it carrying the girls up the trail. But it was so beautiful and worth the effort.


Bella was pretty worn out on the way back down the trail. She just layed back in the baby carrier and rested on my hand like this.

This is my favorite picture of Bryndi and Richard!

Bryndi had fun inside the huge trees.

Bella was loving the camelback. She couldn't suck on it hard enough to get all the water she wanted so she would suck on it until the chamber was empty, then stick it back in Richards mouth so he could fill the chamber up with water again. So cute!

Bryndi Quotes

Last night I got my hair cut and colored. When I came home Bryndi looked at me with awe in her eyes and said "Mom! Did you go to the doctor and get your hair fixed?!!"

Tonight Bryndi picks up a ping pong ball and paddle. "Mom, do you want to play ball catching with me?"

Sunday, July 12, 2009


We went on vacation to California last week. First we drove to Reno and stayed at the Nugget in Sparks. Bryndi loved the velour bedspreads and would roll all around on them laughing, "These are tickle beds!" We visited Aunt Marlene, Uncle Larry and our cousin Melissa and they fed us a wonderful meal. (I spaced getting a picture of them even though I brought my camera in the house!)
Next we drove to Yosemite Park. SO beautiful! These pics are of the Giant Sequoias in Mariposa Grove. They really were breathtaking.

Giant Grizzly Tree

Overlooking Yosemite Valley

To be continued...


Lilies are my favorite flower. We have a bunch of them in front of our house and before I blog about our vacation, I have to post about these flowers. We've had these asiatic lilies for a few years and every year they come back stronger with more blooms. Well one of the plants went crazy. It had some kind of Incredible Hulk DNA change go on and it had 50 blooms on the one stem! You can see it in the picture above on the right with the densely packed pink lilies.