Monday, October 27, 2008

Sew Many Ideas . . .Sew Little Time . . .

O.k., sew(so), I haven't been very fruitful in the sewing department. I started this blog in the hopes of becoming more active "sew-cially" (sorry, I love puns). Well, we see how well this has worked out. It's o.k., I've decided to try to do a little bit each day. Perhaps if I'm watching t.v., I can sew during commercials... or cut, or pin, etc. I purchased some fabric recently: a corduroy print(for a skirt and maybe a matching hat), some denim(for a coat with removable lining), and a cotton blend(which I thought might make a good high waisted skirt). I also purchased a pattern since McCall's was on sale. M5759 Oh yes, I also purchased some fleece (for a hat) and some satin(for a scarf). Naturally, everything I purchased was marked down or on sale because I'm the Dime-Store Dame...hey, that just came to me...I was going to "say"...Frugal Frannie. Dime-store? lol! I guess I'm really dating myself huh? Do they even have dime stores anymore? anywhere? I mean maybe they do....but nothing in there is a dime. Perhaps the dime store has evolved into what we now know as the dollar store. Well, I'm sleeping so off I go.
Thanks for being "sew"ciable.
just_locin'_by . . .

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back again....

I have been trying to post a photo of the scarf but I don't think it's working. I'll be back....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back so soon?

...yes, I am. Can you believe it?...2 days in a row. O.k., so last night, I finished a scarf I had been working on. It's not extravagant. It's a simple blue scarf to tie up the hair at night. I cut out a triangular piece of the silky fabric and serged the edges on my "Singer Tiny Serger"/model: TS380+. Yes, I finally revealed the name and brand of the serger I have. A friend sent it to me (from Ebay) as a birthday gift last year. I had to use it before I could mention it. By they way, I was asked what I wanted and "Singer Tiny Serger" was my response. Also, I happen to have the "Singer Tiny Tailor" and never even knew the "Singer Tiny Serger" existed. I figure in the time that I consider a sewing boom Singer might bring it back but they said they have no intention of doing so. (Yes, I emailed them) O.k., so I used it and I will try to edit this post at a later date(if possible) and include a picture. Or I'll probably just create a new post. Anyway, I just oiled it for the first time. I've already had to change the needle since I discovered it was bent. And, I've already run out of thread on one spool once and am about to run out again. As far as re-threading goes, I learned from people on the web how to "tie one on" (no, don't get drunk, silly). I tie the new thread to the old thread before it runs out so I don't have to manually re-thread because quite frankly it appears to be a somewhat daunting task and I've read many horror stories about re-threading sergers. Ah yes, that brings me to another thing....the manual was not in the box however, Singer does have it online for a free download and $5.00 for a hard copy. So, while out doing errands one day, I stopped by the library and printed it for a nickle a's like 23 pages or so and I didn't want to use up the ink in the printer at home. That stuff is expensive!

Anyway, I have to come back here and post a picture of the results. There are also some shorts I am working on. They're for lounging around the house in. They're are some pants I'm making for someone out of their nephew's (clean/lol!!!) bed sheet which was left in the car after a road trip. It has cartoons on it and the recipient likes cartoons and it's her nephew's so it's like a two for one gift. Oh, plus it's from me...LOL!!!!!! so I guess it's a three for one gift. Alright, that's it for now. I have some errands to go run.

Sew Long...
Just_Sew_In. . .

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!

I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to Sewl Sista #1 and her husband. May you have many, many, many more....

I have been perusing other people's sites for quite some time now. Soon, I will actually do some sewing and peruse my own and update as I go. That's it for now. I'll be back soon. Sew much to do, Sew little time! But then again, I guess it's all about perception. O.k., that and proper planning. As far as planning changes in one's life goes, every new second is a new chance to make a change.

Enjoy!!! your life and thanks for dropping by...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm on again and I'll be off again until I become a bit more consistent. I've been, actually, working on getting organized. I've been going through a lot of papers and some clothes. I even went through my various shoe boxes. I came across two pairs of shoes (never been worn) that I've decided to give to extended family. This "just_gettin'_organized" project can be rather daunting at times. I see all, stuff and I'm like NO WAY! let me go sit down. Actually, sometimes you have to go sit down and come back or you may get overwhelmed. You have to keep in mind that sometimes it will get (look) worse before it gets better. This is just part of the process. However, getting organized can be one of the greatest feelings in the world. Trust me....been there before, need to redo that. As you see little bits coming together, (a bed cleared, a closet organized, even a bag full of shredder confetti), you can start to see a new dawn taking shape. You are on your way. Will it be easy? It can be... easier than you imagined. The trick is maintaining said organization. I suggest simply putting one foot in front of the other. Tackle a small area or just small projects and work your way up. Sometimes some areas require a logical approach. In other words, you may have to go through a closet before you go through the clothes on the bed (so you'll have someplace to put them). Don't let it overwhelm you; I have been there and done that as well. At that point, I go sit down, regroup, watch t.v., eat a sandwich, go run an errand, and/or come back to it later with a fresh eye, a fresh perspective, and new energy. I figure if I can do it anybody can. Seriously. So, get up, get to it, I know you can do it! I'm cheering for you and know that I'm doing it too!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sew, where have I been

Hi! I haven't been anywhere spectacular but I am back. O.k., actually the holidays were GREAT! "Sew", I did have a spectacular time. Earlier today, I was trying to get a handle on my various fabric choices. Some things I could look at and determine the intention whereas others, I wasn't so sure. Recently, I have been trying to get organized once and for all. I say "once and for all" because I aim to get organized and then maintain the organization. Don't laugh, I am serious. I also have come to realize that a design choice in my sewing room may be impeding some of that progress. I have to admit though I have A LOT of stuff. Have I sewn anything lately? No. I have cut some things out of the fabric but that's about as far as I got. My sewing machine is set up in the guest room so if I decide to work on a sewing project and someone comes to visit (and they do because Mr. Murphy of "Murphy's Law" fame says so), I have to remove everything from the bed, tidy up the room and, then I lazily put off re-visiting the project until right before someone else visits. (see the cycle?) I have great intentions but "seam" to fall short of my goals. I have come to realize that throughout my life I have been the "Great Preparer" but not so much the "Great Finisher". I yearn to change this while getting organized. I have also come to realize that some things don't get accomplished because I am disorganized. However, there is a very organized person (who knows where everything is) yearning to get out. I also want to get on schedule with certain things because it would dang sure make my life a bit easier. I need to prioritize better and stop procrastinating about things that have to be done and just do them as soon as possible. O.k., so it's an crazy hour of the day when I definitely should be sleeping so Guten Nacht. Zzzz...

Saturday, November 17, 2007


from "Sew News"

Also, Joann's is having a sale starting 7 a.m.-Noon Nov. 24, 2007 if you want to purchase a "Sew Simple Adjustable Dress Form" for $, I don't work there....I just wanted to pass this on. (smile)