You all know your Madonna, right?
The Mr. and I had the good fortune to see U2 recently. They were on my list of Bands To See In Concert and, although I wish I could have seen them in the Achtung Baby glory years, they still put on an amazing show. While we were waiting to see them the discussion turned to what other bands are on The List and which ones we've already crossed off.
The Cure was a big one for me for many years. I finally saw them in college on what was supposed to be there "final tour." Notice how lots of bands have like, sixteen "final tours"? Kind of annoying. Anyway, I was psyched to see them and they put on a great show. Because they are awesome. Awesome.
One of the others that I was able to cross off my list in 2004 was Madonna. Hey - I am an 80's girl, I love me some Madonna. It was the Re-Invention World tour. My girlfriend and I had called and got a bunch of tickets because there was a group of us that were going. There was also a limo company that was trying to get on our Preferred Vendor List where I work and they had agreed to give us a limo - for free - for the drive up to the show. Holla! So off we went in grand style. When we got to the show we split up the tickets and went in - we were not seated together. When the check in lady scans the tix, they won't read so she sends us over to the window. The lady there proceeds to look at our tickets and tell us, "These are for tomorrow night's show." D'OH! Then as we all stood there with our mouths open, she flips through a stack of tickets and says, "here you go, the show's not sold out so I can exchange them." Okay, we can move again. We then proceed to like the best freaking seats EVER! I mean, I could see Madonna's muscle definition. I felt kind of bad after the show though when the other crew described their seats as being, "Three rows from the back wall." Sorry again about that ladies!
The first concert I went to was the Moody Blues. What? My parents had like, the entire Moody Blues collection. Someone at work gave my Dad the tickets and it was after Mom had died so he told my brother and I that we could go. I was stoked! The Fixx opened for them. They were okay, but man - I loved the Moody Blues. Yes, I'm a geek. I'm also a good wife. Because I went to see KISS with the Mr. and that is SO not my cup of tea. But he came with me to see Alanis Morrisette and Tori Amos (or the Angry Women Tour as he likes to call it), so he gets props for that.
Any concert stories you want to share? Who is on your must-see list? Who have you been able to cross off that list? I'm curious.
Smacksy Sunday Links
6 days ago