Sunday, November 21, 2010


My little Pirates!!

Halloween was so fun this year!! We ended up being out of town for our wards truck-or-treat so we went with Natalie and Steve to their wards Halloween carnival. The kids had a ball and got WAY to much candy. I don't have any pics of the carnival but here are some of my kiddos in their costumes.

Alex 2nd Birthday!!

I know it has been forever- I have no excuses besides just laziness! So much has happened so I'm gonna try to catch up. First off- My Baby turned 2!! I love this little boy soooo much and he has brought me so much happiness in his 2 years of life! From the day he was born, he has been my good child! I am almost scared to have any more because I know that it isn't possible to get lucky enough to have a baby that is as good as he is! He loves cartoons and will sit in front of the TV and watch them all day if I would let him! He is a bit of a loner sometimes and tends to want to play by himself but he also LOVES to wrestle- with anyone that is willing! He is extremely tender hearted and definitley a momma's boy- Justin thinks that I baby him too much and its probably true but who could resist this face?!!!

Blowing Out the candles!

I Love you my sweet Ally boy!! Happy Birthday!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tubing Baby!!

OF COURSE we went to the lake a lot while Rob and Lexie were here and this particular trip was an adults only trip. It was actually really windy and the water was really choppy on this day which was not ideal for wake boarding but awesome for tubing! We got lots of air and there was some really great wipeouts!
Lexie, Rob and Justin all got on the tube together which was hilarious! I think Lexie's face in this picture says it all!

These next 3 pics are of Lexie and I and this was by far, the best wipeout of the trip! I'll have to post the video of this- it was so funny!

Family Pictures

Wow it has been FOREVER. A lot has happened in the past few months and I have a lot to post so I thought I would start with the family pictures. Rob and Lexie came last week for a short vacation on there way to their new home in Austin- so we took family pictures while they were here. ATEMPTED to take pictures would probably be more appropriate I guess! We actually got a few good shots this time which was great! Thanks Nat for taking some great pictures!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Funny bedtime picture....

I don't know if anyone else's kids do this but Joi has a whole bedtime ritual at the end of which she has specific toys or items that she HAS to take to bed with her. Some of it is actually the most random stuff you can think of! She has 2 bears- one big one, and one little green care bear. She has 2 mini lady bug toys, 1 small boppy pillow, 2 hats- one Santa hat and a reindeer hat, 2 books, and a sippy cup full of water. I know I should probably just tell her she can't take all this stuff to bed with her but honestly, it is not worth the fight!! I just leave it in her bed until she falls asleep and then I go take it all out. Sometimes she even goes into her closet and takes out more stuff and I find it in her bed after she goes to sleep. One time she took ALL of her shoes out of the closet and I found her sleeping on the floor because all of her shoes were covering the bed and there was no room for her!! It was so funny and to this day, I could kick myself for not taking a picture! So when I found her like this the other night- I wasn't going to miss another picture opportunity!

As you can see... she put the reindeer hat on her care bear and the Santa hat on herself and fell asleep like this! Justin was just getting home from school when I found her like this- we were laughing SO hard as we took this picture! Kids are so FUNNY!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Joi Turns 3!!!

I can't believe how fast time goes by!! Its like you blink and it is a month later!! We have actually had alot going on over the last month. Joi turned 3 years old on March 9th so we had a little Bday party for her on the Saturday before. It was actually just with my family and we celebrated with Justin's on the day after. We just kept it really simple and had pizza and cake and since it was such a beautiful day- the kids played out in our back yard. Jo got some really great presents this year- her Daddy and her Grandpa Hogge made her a beautiful toy box and a bench with a cushion that matches her room. The toy box is a little big but she'll grow into it!
Birthday girl!!

Joi and Alex with their cousin Brett. This is not a very good picture but this is the bench that Justin and his dad made. It turned out so cute and she loves it!

This is the toy box- as you can see, its a little too big for her but she loves it!!

My ghetto birthday cake! Good thing she is too young to care. The inside actually turned out really cool!!

It was rainbow!! It made it a little more interesting and it turned out pretty good!! ( thanks for the great idea Lex!!)

This picture doesn't do him justice but this is Justin trying to fly the kite that Joi got for her birthday. Did I mention there was no wind? It was hilarious watching him run up and down the yard trying to get it to fly!! ( if you haven't noticed, we don't have any grass in our yard yet!! So ugly!!)

Alex on the slide

The kids had a blast and it was overall a pretty good day!! I can't believe I have a three year old- makes me feel so old!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So I am offically joining the blogging world! Its pretty pathetic that it has taken me this long considering that I set up this blog over a year ago!! I have been using the excuse that I don't know how to do it- which was only partially true- but it turns out that it's pretty easy if you just take 2 minutes and sit down and do it!! Now if I can just update it more than once a year- we'll be good.

We recently went up north for a trip to the snow. It was actually really fun minus that fact that it was a pain in the butt to actually find Snow!! We planned to just go to Payson and thought there would be alot of snow considering how much rain we have gotten here recently- well we thought wrong. We ended up going all the way to Strawberry and then pulling off on a side road and playing in a snow patch next to a bunch of houses!

Sadly this was the first time my kids have ever seen snow!! Joi wasn't to happy about riding down the hill but Alex loved it!! Overall we had a blast!!