Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Festivities

Wow, I haven't blogged since JULY?!?! Goodness, where has the time gone! Well, since I last blogged, I became a full-time stay at home Mommy, we found out that...
That's right! Noah's going to be a big brother! You can see how Noah feels about that... . Baby two is due April 6 (My birthday, and 5 days before Noah's second birthday.) and we are so excited. This pregnancy is quite different than last time, so it's been more of a struggle. As I write this, I'm almost 15 weeks, and I hope that it just keeps getting better.

Noah is now going to one morning a week at a Mother's Day Out program that he seems to really like. Here are some pictures from his first day.

Justin met one of his teachers today. She said that Noah is very sweet but also very possessive of his food. When someone tries to touch it, he says, "Noah's" in a firm voice. That cracks me up!

Noah also got to experience his first petting zoo and funnel cake at the West Texas Fair and Rodeo. He REALLY wanted to go on the rides, but he's still a little too young for that. Next year he'll have a blast with his Daddy on all those rides!
Here he's saying, "More, Daddy!" I think he liked it!
We went to a balloon festival in Abilene. Here are some cute pictures of that!

The man in the balloon looking on ADORED Noah (Who wouldn't?!?) and was so sweet! Noah had so much fun!
Then, we went to a pumpkin patch! Here are some of those before and after we changed him into his Halloween costume!
Well, stay tuned for pictures of our recent trip to Missouri! Love to you all!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fourth of July Fun!

We had such a great 4th of July this year! Justin, Noah and I went to see my parents and go to Canton. It was so fun to wake him up to go to the fireworks! Here are a few pictures of that event.

Glad to see that he gets his "slow to wake up"-ness from his mommy!
Also, while we were traveling, we stayed at my dad's retreat center. Here are some of the pictures of Noah that we got while we were there. Hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's been too long!

Wow, where did May go? Things around the Smith household have been fast and furious as Justin and I chase after our little boy. He's growing so much, and we just love him!

Justin's practice has sort of slowed down for the summer. He had a call night two nights ago and got NO calls after 10 pm, which is nothing short of amazing. The office is switching over to electronic medical records, with Justin acting as the point man for their team. It's been exciting for Justin to take on some more responsibilities and use his gifts of efficiency and organization while designing templates for the entire office to use. Such a great guy!

I'm winding down the school year. It's been a really busy end of year, but we got our TAKS scores back and I'm proud to say that our teachers' and students' hard work paid off! All of the high school campuses in Abilene ISD are projected to be recognized; no small feet!

We just joined the country club, so Noah and I will most likely spend the summer poolside, teaching Noah how to swim! He does love the water, so it shouldn't be a difficult task!

I hope you all are doing well! I'll post pictures soon; I'm still learning how to edit them in my new software!
