I am not happy about it but James sure thinks it's fun. He hasn't fallen down yet but we do have to retrieve him from the top of the stairs several times a day. Or let him out of rooms that he shuts himself in.
Justin's a good dad and I want everyone to know it.
James can be pretty high-maintenance and I swear he has no attention span some days. But then there are times that he rolls a battery around the kitchen floor for like 20 minutes.
Hey, another selfie of Henry while he stole my phone to look up sports scores.
Erica loves the whole concept of free samples. Most days for lunch she asks for "free sample fruit" which means I give her cut up fruit and toothpicks. "Erica, did you know when you grow up, you can be one of those people that hands out free samples?" She gasped in delight and says "I want to do that!"
Our youth did a food drive in our neighborhood. I took the food to Tabitha's way the next morning. I could only take 2 kids with me to drop it off because it filled up the car!
I was so proud of our youth and our neighborhood.
It was strangely warm Thanksgiving break so Wednesday we took the kids to the local high school to play football on a real football field. Henry kept calling it a stadium.
They mostly like to recreate scenes from Charlie Brown movies and books.
There's a kid or two running around the track.
All I wanted for Thanksgiving was a nice picture of my 4 turkeys. None of these are great so hereare all.
These last two crack me up. I think they were imitating what Justin was doing to make them laugh.
This Thanksgiving we were eating with Justin's family. They weren't eating until the evening so we stopped by my parents' to drool over their lunch and taste their pies. Then we went to the Dye's to play games and prepare food. I took James home for a nap and when I got back to their house, this was the sunset. Crazy pretty sunset. It's like God was saying, "Just in case you don't think you have anything to be grateful for....."
Sarah made this tree and I helped her cut out leaves for everyone to write down what they were thankful for. Family made it on there the most. Henry wrote sports and Erica put treehouse even though she has never been in one.
"Yes," I said, "My name is Diana."
Erica said, "That's not a real name."
"What's a real name?"
"Erica or Henry."
Even though we ate late, the food was soooo good and worth the wait. (It was worth eating with Dallin too.)
Saturday was my cousin's wedding reception. Here's a photo of my mom and her siblings, from youngest to oldest.
And now it feels like dead week. I don't decorate for Christmas until December so this week is a nice respite from any holiday rush. But I did make fudge yesterday because I couldn't wait anymore.