How's that for a title?
Sarah made a bunch of Valentine's to give to her cousins. I pretty much ran a Valentine sweat shop for a couple of days. Sarah was busy stamping, sticking, and writing 15 Valentines. She actually loved every minute of it.
Sarah stuffed them with candy while I sewed them shut. The finished goods.
To soothe the post-nap grumpies, I've been giving Henry a cookie right when he wakes up.
Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't but he's learned to expect it.
The world through Sarah's eyes. She wanted to take some pictures. I about had a heart attack and hovered around her as she held the camera.
I've got 12 more of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but I think you get the idea.
The night before Valentine's day, Sarah and Henry got Valentines in the mail from their cousins in Logan and St. George. They were very excited. Well Sarah was sickly ill but it sure cheered her up. She missed her Valentine party at preschool that day so she was extra bummed.
It's 9 pm in these pictures. Sarah had just woken up from a nap.
Valentine's Day Sarah was still sick but that didn't stop her from helping me make a treat for Justin.
Now that's love.
Mmm Valentine's. I like holidays where the true meaning is chocolate.
And she's out. Poor little thing.
We usually go out as a family to someplace not busy on Valentine's day but since Justin gets home so late, we just had a festive dinner at home.
I made paper conversation hearts. When I read this one to Sarah she said, "Is that me?" Yup.
I got these tin mailboxes from Target and filled them with little toys and candy. They were a hit. I've already had to write two letters and put them in their mailboxes for them to open in the morning per Sarah's specific instructions.
My little heartbreaker. Henry says a new word every day, I swear. Today it was bed. He mostly jibber jabbers but I hear more real words thrown in there. He says "Me-me!" when he wants something and says "ee-come" for "You're welcome" (He doesn't say please or thank you).
Justin laughed and loved his Valentine treat.
Friday we went to the cabin to sled and snowmobile. Henry didn't want to have much to do with me while we were there with his Papa and uncles. If anyone went outside to snowmobile, Henry expected to go with them. He learned how to make a snowmobile sound and say Nate and Braden (Nee and Bay-bay). Since we've been home he says "Wooowooo Boppa, Dada. Woowoo" all the time.
He wanted to be on the snowmobiles so much, he didn't even fight me with his snowpants. It was so weird.
He was so stoic while riding the snowmobile and sled, it was hard to tell if he liked it. But once we came inside, he wanted right back out.
Sarah and Kristen made a snowman. In the sun, he melted.
It was super sunny while we sledded and the kids got a little sunburned. Poor Henry. Can you see his line from his hat?
My kids are so helpful when blowing out candles. Happy birthday Nate.
We came home Sunday night since Justin had to work Monday. Monday night, Sarah and I went to see the play
Rapunzel, Rapunzel at the Scera Theater. She had no idea what a play was and I tried hard to explain it but I think she thought she was going on stage. She was a little overwhelmed at first and caught off guard by seeing people perform in front of her. Most of the time I watched her watch it. It was super cutesy and over the top and an hour long. Perfect for a 4-year-old.
Yesterday we made rolls for dinner. Sarah can't help herself around dough. Her roll ended up the size of my thumb.
Now you're all caught up! Today I am looking for stuff to sell on KSL so I can use the money in Disneyland. Yup, we're going to Disneyland in May. Ask me if I'm excited!!