March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009
November 2009

Friday, October 31, 2008

For Keeps...

I'll Keep Your Kiss Forever.
~Porter At Naptime Today

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So- As for an Update...

Johnson Family Reunion- Eagar, Arizona

Heber House Playing- Summer 2008

Goofing- Off at Home- August 2008

Swimming- Veterans Park- August

Seth's 2nd Birthday- August 10th

Oh, Aren't we so Cute??? September- can you guess it's a BYU Football Game?
Notice, if you will, that John and Lily jumped into the background as well- what are we going to do with them????

Jack & Seth playing at the park in St. George. We went down to see Big River-
one word- AMAZING! Tuacahn outdoor theatre- if you haven't been-go!

Actually, the time between now and June really HAS been too fast. Currently, I am sitting at home during what ought to be my quiet time- oh, wait, it's called 'nap-time', and it's for the kids (yeah, right)- while waiting for Seth to decide to stop screaming at me from his crib to come back and put his blanket on him- which I did, about 5 minutes ago when I put him there for his nap. He has learned (from Porters good example) how to put off nap-time and bedtime. Since he sleeps in a crib and (thankfully) hasn't ever put his mind to figuring out how to get out of it- his distraction of choice is to keep me by his bed asking me to sing "I Love You" over, and over, and over and OVER again, or he tells me- everytime I turn to leave the room " I need something"- which of course, he doesn't. It is usually followed up by a request for cold water or to have me put every blanket in his bed on- then tells me that he doesn't want one, the other- or any of them at all... so usually, on these hard to distract him days it ends like this- I walk out- he screams at me about not meeting one or the other of his needs and in ten minutes finally gives up and goes to sleep. He is still my joy.

Porter is at preschool- his new favorite place on earth. He is addicted to people. He finds a new best friend- young, old or in between, everywhere we go and will do his best to talk their ears off. As my first to cross the line out of babyhood and into the big kid world, I often find myself at a loss at to what to do with him. I can no longer just state things as fact, and bark out orders and have them obeyed. He already thinks he knows better than me- and is sure that I just don't understand him. You should've heard our conversation a few months ago about why he couldn't give his friend, Jack Bluth, a kiss goodbye. He thinks- well, I give all my family kisses goodbye- and I really like my friend- too bad Jack about died when Porter came running after him trying to grab him so that he could bestow his farewell wishes on him. I tried to explain over the next few days that we don't kiss out friends- we give them a high five- and thank them for playing with us- he would have NONE of it. "No, Mom! I can kiss anyone I want!" he informed me- end of conversation. Slowly, I am becoming more patient and understanding. He gets really embarrassed and hurt when his behavior is called to question- so I'm relearning tact, and thoughtfulness- we'll see how I do. As for the past week- I've actually seen and HEARD him use his own good judgement which gives me hope that I am not going to ruin him. He is still my miracle baby.

Morgan and I are expecting our 3rd boy (BOY!!!) oh, boy oh, boy.... at the end of December. I tell everyone that the baby is due Christmas. First of all because I always said that having ALL boys was my worst fear- and second, that I would die if I had a Christmas baby- so this year is bringing to pass all my worst fears- and I guess I'll be living through them all. I just joined the world of mini-van mommy's (gasp- I know, I thought I would die before I saw that one happen as well...there's another one for you) but we love it. The boys LOVE it- are actually in LOVE with our movie-playing- magic door opening, more-room-than-either-them-know-what-to-do-with, mini-van. We got a 2007 Honday Odyssey with only 8,700 miles on it for 24,900- we were pretty stoked. It's practically brand new- and it will fit everything we need in it- including our new little guy. We just had a clear bra put on it yesterday and plan on lots of fun being had in it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shut- up

June 19th wasn't THAT long ago.