March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009
November 2009

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Toy Story Strikes...Again.

As many children before him have- and many more to come will- Porter went through your average addiction to the Disney movie Toy Story. You know, Buzz, Woody and Andy... Well, for those of you who are unaware- Porter also has an incredible knack for remembering EVERYTHING he ever hears: good, bad and ugly. It's all recorded up in his little brain in a seemingly bottomless pit of knowledge. He also possesses an uncanny ability to reuse his vast supply of tidbits at horrifically appropriate times in ways that have astounded me time after time- you'd think I'd be used to it, but he still catches me off-guard.

We actually get a LOT of quotes from Toy Story due to the fact that they loved using the words: shut-up, idiot, stupid and any number of other words that for whatever reason NO ONE wants to hear coming out of their children's mouths. He even uses the knowledge that those words are undesirable as an excuse to tell me all about how many of the characters use them and how naughty it is. Several times a day I will hear "Mom, Woody told Buzz to shut-up and that's not nice" "That girl (Sids sister) says Stupid dog to her dog- she needs to bite soap" "they just said Idiot- the police are going to get them"- and on and on and on. Just the other day I heard a new one though. We were heading down to Orem to go to the pool with Emily, Beth, my Mom and all the children that that entails. As we approached the highway there was a long line of cars stopped- all waiting to be let through some of the never-ending road construction that they love to do in our glorious state. At the sight of the road congestion Porter said "Oh, no Mom- look at all this traffic!" and I murmured something in return. Right on cue- without hestitation came the next line- straight out of Buzz's mouth "This is no time to panic!!"

I almost died...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Heber Creeper

Our friend, Linda came to visit from Australia and we spent the week hanging out at all the Johnson households to visit with her. On Friday, everyone came up to Heber for dinner at our house and you can't come to Heber without riding our famous train- the Heber Creeper. It was such a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time.

Linda Rowan and Porter- Sydney in the background.
Me & Seth with Linda enjoying the incredible view.

For those of you who haven't met Morgan's evil twin... haha, just kidding- about the evil part anyway... This is Stuart & Becky with their children: Sydney (left) Mitchell (center) and Dallin (right)- we have the best family- that is all we can say.

River 2008

COKE!!! Yes, he needs his morning pick-me-up already... sad, I know...
Mommy & Seth chilling in the shade- Seth is sporting his manly fairy wand- courtesy of cousin Elena.
This quickly became a favorite outing for the boys. "Motorcycle" rides were a great treat.
Jr. Captain Seth in his favorite seat on the boat. Our trusty Sr. Captain Grandpa will attest to this fact. We wouldn't be 20 seconds into a boat ride before being bombarded to let Seth drive. Or Ollie. Or know how it goes.
Expert fisherman Porter fishing from his favorite spot on the new ladder.

Oh, Swim Lessons- what a joy!!! Can't you see the excitement in Seth's hysterical face?
The best time of the day (and the quietest) was snack time featuring Cheetos...can't beat them.