March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009
November 2009

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pirate Police???

What DOES a pirate-policeman do- you say? Well NATURALLY...

We've been very interested in 911 lately- and all the interesting people you can get ahold of by calling this mysterious number on the telephone. Yesterday, the boys were playing pirate/ninja/cowboy/police and I heard this conversation: (Seth) We've got a 911 call! Okay, we'll be right there! Porter, we've got to go arrest some kids- they were doing nice things! I attempted to get their story on tape.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome to the Future

I've been getting it soundly from my favorite missionary Aunt, and her pleas to be kept up to date have finally struck a chord, the guilt becoming too much and now I am back to attempt a much better year of blogging. I will not try to recap the past few months in any detail but quickly, here it is...Owen turned 1 on December 17th and is already growing up too quickly. We celebrated Porter's 5th birthday on January 21st with a day at Chuck E Cheese (his favorite place of COURSE) and yesterday, February 14th, Morgan and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. We just returned from a very relaxing trip to Maui followed immediately by a fun (work!!!)- filled trip to Snowmass where we skiied, hot-tubbed and were treated to lovely dinners each night. I missed my little boys so much that it almost hurt and we are sooooo happy to be home after such a nice break from reality.

gjjririlkm,jrorlkn 8324d j84 (Owen wanted to say hi)

Here's some recent pictures of us and our rugrats...

Thanksgiving 2009
Owen and Morgan having a Thanksgiving day snooze...

Porter and Seth helping Daddy rake the helpful!!

Talking with yet another Santa- always an experience.

Owen's 1st Birthday! Opening his gifts with the help of a dozen cousins.

Birthday cake time! Happy Birthday little guy!

Christmas morning- seriously, it's not showing, but we had a GREAT day!

Porter's 5th Birthday at Chuck E Cheese

Maui, 'the white dinner' for Morgans work...

It was sooooo Beautiful!!!

Hanging out with my cousin, Trevor Meyring, his wife, Lisa and their baby Brennan.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Me + Blogger = Suck-City

I haven't posted since July. Sad. I would like to say that I am going to try to do a catch-up tonight...but I'm not sure I will follow-through. This is me these days. I'm almost embarrassed enough about how much time has passed that I MIGHT have reached my limit and be forced to do it, just so as to keep my good mormon mommy status intact. But who knows, I have learned that my boundaries for self-deprecation are least it appears that way...if they are indeed limitless, I guess I will never know- wow, now THAT'S deep.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Just in case you are like me and find it hard (after 8 o'clock and the kids are in bed) to dredge up the energy to make posts on your blog, scrapbook or be otherwise creative or productive- I have found the solution. Go to Redbox, pick a movie with your husband- lose your appetite because of said movie within the first 15 seconds and VOILA! You will find yourself at your desk suddenly struck with a million things that seem preferable to sitting through some morbidly disgusting movie for the next 2 hours.

My last post was....oh! the River- yeah, there's been a few other things that have happened between then and now- things fun, boring and in-between. As I sit right now- there is across the street the most awesome display of redneck games going on in the form of the fantastically entertaining annual Demolition Derby. I am mildly disappointed to be missing it- but that's life. Next week at precisely this hour however- I will NOT be missing our Mountain Valley Stampede Rodeo!! I am excited too because I will be leaving Owen with the babysitter and attending the Rodeo with my hands free for the first time in 7 months...pretty big step. I won't get too used to it however- I can only pull it off because it's- well, just around the corner. To be fair- he'll be the easiest part of her night...

So here's a recap:

June... Father's Day, Beth's Birthday...oh, we rode the Heber Creeper... had a thousand and one trips to the Doctor for odds and ends...Annual Cousin Portraits, Upper Provo Falls picnic...Beth and I began attending a Photography class (but don't judge my pictures)...yes, that's about it.

July...My Grandma & Grandpa Millers 60th Wedding Anniversary!!...then there was the 4th of July- complete with: Hot Air Balloon Festival at sunrise, Ward Pancake Breakfast AND our first family "Camping" trip- I use quotes because it was (rudely) pointed out that while we WERE most assuredly in the wilderness, myself and Owen were set-up in the ginormous new 5th wheel my great uncle brought to camp for my grandparents to sleep in...and myself, Owen and my 8 month pregnant cousin, Amber. My FAMILY was in a tent without me- and they LOVED camping. The dirt, the freedom, the sleeping bags- it was fun. July... yes, then Morgan's family friends, the Rowans came for a visit all the way from Australia which was a lot of fun, Morgan's sister, Kristen came to Utah for a 3 week visit from Maryland with her 3 kids....Porter got bit by some mysterious bug (twice in 2 weeks)- and it made his head swell up like Quasimoto from the Hunchback of Notre Dame- THAT was weird. Beckie Wolf (an ex-missionary comp) came to stay with us for a couple days with her 2 little boys- we played like crazy and had a ton of fun....oh, and then my ward lost yet another of our really REALLY important (contributing) families- we are the official Amazing Shrinking Ward- seriously, I like to call it our "cute little branch". Yesterday were the Pioneer Day festivities- complete with fireworks- and out of character as it was, I actually let my little naughties stay up until 10 O"CLOCK to see them this year...I know, I'm a nice there it is, our months in a nutshell. I am going to go ahead and post some pictures now too- so look at them if you like and try to match the photos to the corresponding event! This summer has been CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009