Monday, August 20, 2007

Make-Over Monday: The Studio

I've decided to kick off a weekly feature on Just Bee 'n Me called Make-Over Monday. I hope to share a make-over project each Monday, complete with before and after photos. The make-over could be large or small, and might involve anything from a room in my house to an older piece of artwork that I redo, and anything in between.

To start things off, I tackled the most problematic (translated: "messy") room in my house - my Studio. Actually, a better term for this room is my "Playroom". Most of my artwork these days is created digitaly on the computer in my home office - but the studio is definitely the place I go to dream and plan and get inspired. In preparation for my wedding, however, the studio was most definitely a working room. I created all the floral arrangements in there as well as stored all the numerous boxes and piles of stuff it takes to pull off a wedding. So, the studio took a real beating during those months and it needed work in the worst way.

Here are the series of before and after shots. Now this part of the make-over is just cleaning/straightening/and some de-cluttering - long term plans for the studio involve much more re-organizing and eventually redecorating - but this was the first necessary step to get the ball rolling...









Now off to do a little dreaming and planning in the least now I can step in the room without tripping...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wedding Photos at Last!

Well, as promised, I am finally getting around to sharing some of my favorite photos from our wedding (I'll do a separate post for the Honeymoon soon)- hope you enjoy!

You can see them all online here at Kodak Easy Share (free, easy login)


The main challenge we faced for decorating the wedding/reception hall was the fact that the hall was a big empty white box with no character - but I love a blank canvas, and once we settled on a country theme, I was off and running. We primarily used quilts (strung up on clotheslines with clothespins), checkered tablecloths and lots of silk flowers to add a lot of color and visual punch for the buck. Plus, wherever and whenever possible, we got kitchy-country accessories that we either made or borrowed from friends/family and put them everywhere....Here are the results....

"Redneck" Directional Signs
I painted these using wood from an old fence that our neighbors were tearing down - gotta love free stuff! Johnny put them all together and made it stand up...

Country Decor
Checkered tablecloths, bandanas, quilts, silk flowers, and mason jars were use to achieve a country look - on the cheap!

Great-Grandma's Quilt
This was the only quilt out of all the ones we used to decorate that was actually a vintage piece - all the other were ones that my mom and I had, mostly from WalMart or Foleys.

Hay Bale Chic
We used hay bales for atmosphere as well as to mark off the corners of the dance floor and hold the galvanized tubs for icing down cokes and water.

Country Floral Decor
I used any and all containers I could find to fill with country silk flowers - I was going for a wildflower look. My dad also had a collection of old Texas license plates that we sprinkled here and there as appropriate for an instant country look!

Handpainted Watermelon Sign
Grabbed an old piece of plywood from a trash pile on the side of the road and painted and antiqued/sanded it to use as decoration on our watermelon table - we served ice cold watermelon after the BBQ. One young child was overheard telling his mother that he needed a nickel before he could get any watermelon - cute huh?

Wedding Cupcakes
Oh goodness - these were so disappointing - not at all how I described them to the bakery - but they were cheap and very delicious and fun, so that's all that really mattered...

The Wedding Party
My sweet sister-in-law Sharon (my brother's wife) and John's talented best friend (and former brother-in-law) Jimmy were kind enough to stand up as our Matron of Honor and Best Man. Their matching shirts were a small miracle - after looking for weeks for coordinating shirts, I finally found Sharon's online then clicked a link labeled "Click here for other merchandise from this manufacturer" and sure 'nuff, there was a men's shirt with the same fabric and cowboy details - perfect!

Close-up of the Bouquets
These were fun to make - and really easy...just arrange the flowers in your hand like a casual bouquet, get them in the position you like, trim the stems, use a bit of floral tape to secure, then wrap the stems tightly with ribbon of your choice and secure the ribbon with floral pins. Lastly you make a bow with streamers and attach at the base of the flowers. Instant casual (or dressy) bouquet!

My "New" Family
These are John's (and now my!!) 4 beautiful daughters, handsome son-in-laws, and 71/2 adorable grandkids. (8th one is due September 15th) After not having any children of my own for 23 years, I now have a wonderful instant family!! I'm already in love with them all!! How blessed am I??!!

My "Old" Family
Here's John's new family - my wonderful parents, my 2 terrific, talented brothers (they made all the incredible BBQ!!), beautiful sister-in-law and "almost" sister-in-law, 2 incredible nephews, and 1 incredible niece. Johnny loves them all and they all love him - it's awesome!

Our First Dance
Dancing has been (and continues to be) an important part of our relationship from the very beginning. For our first dance, we chose the song "I'd Love to Be Your Last" by Clay Walker - absolutely beautiful song - perfect for a second marriage. Check out the lyrics here.

Johnny and I share a *rare* quiet moment...

The Rings

Invitation Still Life
It was fun to be able to design the invitations for the wedding- they were fun and informal - just like us, and just like the wedding was.

Our "Going Away" Outfits - Custom Wedding T-Shirts
After a full afternoon of getting married and eating BBQ and dancing, dancing dancing, we were tired, sweaty and blissfully exhausted! We donned our fancy going away outfits and headed off to our hotel.

BTW, I ordered these from CafePress - just uploaded the artwork, picked out the t-shirts, and voila! - Instant unique wedding souvenirs!
My online store (such as it is at the moment) is a CafePress store.

Yes Indeed He Did!!
This rusty old thing was in my dad's license plate collection, and I ended up putting it right near the front door for the guests to see as they arrived - it became a motto of sorts for the wedding. As you probably know, weddings, even small casual ones like ours, take a lot of planning and a lot of work - and when all was said and done, it was quite clear that God had indeed put it all together - from John and I meeting in the first place right down to the smallest detail of the wedding... We certainly could not have done it without His help and guidance!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Illustration Friday: Emergency

Click on image to see it larger

For anyone who has ever faced a ridiculous deadline....

Truth be told, as a procrastinator, I work best under pressure, and a tight deadline is sometimes just what I need to spur me on. Sad but true...

Monday, August 06, 2007

Illustration Friday: Missing

(click image to see it larger)
Don't worry about all those missing socks - they're doing just fine...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Illustration Friday: Moon

Well, this week's theme for Illustration Friday is "Moon" - I had every intention of doing a new illustration for this week, but I have not one but two prior IF submissions that are perfect for the theme and I just had to use them (plus it's been so long since I submitted for IF, I'm sure these are long forgotten). The first one, above, was for the IF theme "Reflection". Click here to see what I wrote about it back then. This was my most commented-on entry ever... (Created in Painter 9, btw)

The second illustration below was for the IF theme "Night". The scripture verse speaks for itself. Here's what I had to say about it back then...


If I have time, I'd like to still work up a new little illustration for Moon - but this time it would be about my Honey"moon". We'll see if I have time...meanwhile, here is a photo from our honeymoon to Costa Rica - what an incredible trip it was in every way!! This photo was from the Canopy Tour we took in the rainforrest - zipping from tree-top to tree-top on zip lines was quite a rush for a couple of middle-aged newleyweds!! That's me and Johnny in the front middle on the bridge...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I got married!!

In case some of you were wondering what in the world has happened to me over these several months, the mystery is solved - I got engaged at Easter, then I got married on June the 23rd!! My wonderful new husband, John, is a sweetheart - a true gentleman, and I am so very blessed to be his bride! I have SO MUCH to catch you up on, and LOTS of photos to share of the wedding (a real fun, homespun affair) and the heavenly honeymoon in Costa Rica!! Please stay posted!

Now that my new life is finally settling down into somewhat more of a predictable pattern, I am planning to return full time to blogging. Thank you for your patience as I made this very important transition in my life!!
Bless you for stopping by!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Illustration Friday: Red (part 2)

"Red" is such a rich topic, I was compelled to participate once again - this time with a new illustration rather than a recycled one. This poppy just "popped" into my head (sorry) and I just had to do, it's a nice little departure from my usual style, just for fun...
BTW, I used Painter 9 for this.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Illustration Friday: Red

Well, it certainly seems like cheating to use a previous IF submission for this week's theme "Red", especially since it's been so long since I've participated, but actually, this is OK. I'm marking my full return to the world of blogging and weekly participation in Illustration Friday with this, the very first IF submission I EVER did - the theme back then was "Black & White" - that was June of 2005 - wow! How can it be that long ago...? You can read here what I wrote then... And now - my how my life has changed since then! It has been a "colorful" journey, to say the least! Even my hair color has changed since then to, you guessed it, red!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy 50th!

Happy 50th Anniversary
Mom & Dad!

December 21, 1956 - December 21, 2006

I wanted to take just a moment to congratulate my wonderful parents on their 50th wedding anniversary!! What an incredible accomplishment - what an incredible inspiration!! The years have been happy and sad, challenging and tragic, fun and mundane, glorious and ho-hum, giddy and grueling, prosperous and poor, exceptional and everyday, ordinary and extraordinary. So, what's the common thread..? LOVE! Love for God, love for family and friends and strangers, love for each other - the deep abiding love that overcomes obstacles and sustains you through tough times...the kind that makes you laugh and cry at the same time...the kind that transcends circumstances and soars...

God Bless you Mom and Dad - and thank you for your heritage of love - we are all the richer for it!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Illustration Friday: Wind

“May brooks and trees and singing hills join in the chorus too, and every gentle wind that blows send happiness to you.”
~Irish Blessing~
I love the Autumn season - everything about it - so this week's Illustration Friday topic: "Wind" was a perfect opportunity to create an Autumn illustration. My whirlwind of a life has still kept me away from the blog of late, but not so far away that I don't see and admire your work and visit my regulars. I sincerely thank you for still coming by here to check on me from time to time. I will soon be sharing designs that I recently licensed to a Christian Gift and Stationary manufacturer - my first licensed work with an advance and royalties and all that good stuff - I am so excited! Plus I am still designing my 2007 calendar and hope to have it ready right before Christmas. I'll keep you posted...
Happy Fall Y'all

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Illustration Friday: Farm

This week's theme for Illustration Friday is "Farm". Farm critters have always been some of my favorites to draw, and weren't they fun to color and cut and paste as a kid...? Though many of us may never have the opportunity to actually visit a farm, I wish for all of us to be able to savor a bit of the country in our hearts...
Thanks for stopping by, O faithful ones...I have many. many things to share in the coming days and I plan to blog steadily for the forseeable future. I will have pictures to share of my studio, a mural I'm painting in my dining room, as well as several projects I've been working on for a client I met at the CBA convention this summer. Plus, I'm working on a 2007 calendar of my designs that I will be making available for sale! So much to much going on. Please stay tuned, and thanks so much for not giving up on me!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Illustration Friday: Play

The Drama Queen
a play on the word "play"

All I needed was a walk-in closet, a couple of sheets for curtains, and some dress-up accessories and I was playing being in a play. I didn't do this too often, and ONLY for family (as I was way too shy to do this for strangers), but it was fun none the less to be transformed by a few simple household items and a lot of imagination. Check out lots of fine renditions of "play" at Illustration Friday - this was a fun topic to get back in the swing of things with...

"Because you've always stood up for me, I'm free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post."
(Psalm 63:7-8 -The Message)


I'm so sorry that I have been away from my blog for so long - and I said that after my last post as well - but trust me that my life has been quite crazy. I sense that I am turning a corner and pulling into the neighborhood of "normal", and that is a welcome relief. Thanks to all of you who still come around to see if I'm alive - I assure you I am :o) I'm looking forward to going 'round and commenting on your work too - I've really missed visiting with you!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Updated Website...finally

Well, I have finally made substantial updates to my illustration website: - these were long overdue. Now it features my digital "cut-out" style much more prominently, and has quite a few more samples than it did. Check it out!

I'll be away from this desk and my personal computer for 2 weeks starting today, July 1st, as I travel up to Colorado for a combination of vacation, visiting old friends, dealing with my Colorado property that is for sale, work, and illustration marketing. It's time again to visit the Christian Bookseller's Convention just like I did last year - it's in Denver again this year. I hope to shop my new and *hopefully* improved portfolio around to Christian gift manufacturers and publishers - it should be a blast! more posts for a while (so what else is new, huh?) But I will be back and will give a full report in 2 weeks. Take care, thanks for dropping by, and God Bless You!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Illustration Friday: Jungle

Well, the song "Jungle Boogie" from Kool and the Gang was the first thing that popped into my head - and so here you have jungle critters dancing as I imagine they do when no one is looking....
Late for IF, I know, but I am committed to participating weekly again, so late will have to suffice this week... Blessings to you all this weekend!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Illustration Friday: Portrait

Portrait of Contentment

"...Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am..." Philippians 4:10-13

Well, to all my blogging buddies and any new visitors, I say it is SO GOOD to be back!! Oh my, how I have missed this incredible venue for creative expression and mutual support. I decided to do a self-portrait for this week's Illustration Friday topic: Portrait. I call it "Portrait of Contentment" because it is a reflection of my current state of mind, at least I am growing increasingly more content in my new life day by day. I have had an extremely challenging several months since I got divorced and moved cross country and bought a house and set up a house (hence my absence from blogging and IF)...and now...FINALLY...I have settled in and am enjoying myself immensely. (click the link to see lots of pictures of my house!!)
Are there still challenges - you bet - but a sense of real peace and true contentment with one's life goes a long way towards mitigating those challenges - and that contentment and peace comes from a life surrendered to God's plan. I don't "have it all together", nor do I do everything right - far, far from it - but God continues to guide me and gently teach me as I walk with Him in this new adventure, and as the scripture says, "Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am..."

Blessings to you all - it is so good to be back - I have missed you all so much!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Yes, I am Alive!

Hello to those of you who haven't completely given up coming by to see if I've posted anything...I am still here. I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post - but then again, with the kind of month I've had (actually with the kind of year I've had), I guess it's understandable. It would take far too long to go into it all, but the highlights/lowlights have been the finalization of my divorce, my father's hospitalization, my own illness (which I'm over), endless paperchase to prepare to close on my new house, actually closing on my new house, moving into my new house, unpacking at my new house, buying stuff for my new house, and lots of activities sprinkled in between have kept me out of touch, endlessly exhausted, and emotionally drained. I THINK that things are settling down a bit finally...and that has given me the occasion to stop and let y'all know what's happening with me.

I managed during this last week to do an illustration for a friend that I wanted to share - hope it brings a smile... I had a lot of fun doing it....

Blessings to each and every one of you - I hope to be back to blogging more regularly real soon - thanks for stopping by!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Illustration Friday: Spring

"Spring flowers are in blossom all over. The whole world's a choir - and singing! Spring warblers are filling the forest with sweet arpeggios."
Song of Solomon 2:12 (the Message)

This week's Illustration Friday topic "Spring" was rich with possibilities. I however, was not rich with time. I would have loved to have done more. I adore Springtime - all nature awakening, so full of promise. Spring has been in full swing here in Texas for weeks (as seen in these pictures I took recently) - but my life at the moment seems more like Spring up north - you know it's coming, but there's not a lot of physical evidence. And these days I feel like a tulip that is still underground - there is so much happening just under the surface (I could fill a whole blog if I had time) - and I am pushing, pushing through layer after layer of rock and dirt and frozen ground - so close to breaking through and breaking free into the sunlight where I am meant to be! So today, I chose to have the quiet assurance that comes from faith that I indeed will break through into the new life God has promised me. Hopefully I'll be blooming before you know it...


"The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will shout and sing! Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the desert."
Isaiah 35:6


"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:19


"...but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:14

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Illustration Friday: Monster (and Feet)

"You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under my feet."
(2 Samuel 22:40)
Oh goodness, I have really missed taking part in Illustration Friday for the last couple of weeks. Trying to make up for it a bit by combining last week's topic "Feet"and this week's topic "Monster". I had a number of ideas for feet, but I was sick and had no time or energy, so this worked out great. It's important to note that it is God who provides the strength we need to overcome the "monsters" in our lives: greed, jealousy, envy, gluttony, lust and so on. He has already won the battle for us - and He lets us enjoy the spoils. You can't fail with God on your side! Struggling with these ugly critters on our own can keep us worn out and feeling constantly defeated - but victory is ours in the Lord!
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
(1 John 4:4)
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
(John 16:33)
"Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."
(Romans 12:21 - the Message)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Illustration Friday: Insect

How could the caterpillar possibly imagine what she would become in time?

How many times have we believed that we can never change? How many times have we tried to rush the process? How many times have we not moved forward from fear? How many times have we chafed against the confines of the cocoon? How many times have we lost hope that we will ever soar?


"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven"
Ecclesiastes 3:1


"And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more..."
2 Corinthians 3:18


If you'd like to see a great teaching on metamorphosis, check out this online streaming video sermon by my pastor, Kerry Shook of Fellowship of the Woodlands church. When I heard this message this weekend, I knew what I had to draw for this week's Illustration Friday topic: Insect.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Illustration Friday: Tea

Tea for Every Season
(click image to see more detail)
Barely made it in on time for Illustration Friday's topic: Tea. I had many ideas on and off this week for this topic, but very little time. I'm not a big tea drinker (except for iced tea) - BUT, I love everything about tea - I collect teapots, I adore all types of teacups, and I love tea parties. So, I guess I'm really just a tea wannabe.
NOTE: So sorry that I don't have much time at all for leaving comments on your blogs - I have seen lots of nice tea illustrations - I hope I can find time to stop by and say hi.