What a boring boring bored day~
My Abang "KEVIN LO KIN BONG" balik sudah..
habis la me,but at last ok already^^
Pagi bangun..berus gigi..cuci muka..mandi..then go makan with lovely mummy and abang saya..haha
terus balik rumah..memang la pergi tidur EH..haha
terus..computer tiada line..macam mana la if like that??
edit picture lo with photo shine "Dream Light Photo Editorr"..
terlampau boring bha..
malam...makan..mandi..abang sudah jalan..aik..hahaha
pergi bilik dia ambil balik tu toogle and then tukar yang the other one..
yeah..finally can online..hahaha
yeah..finally can online..hahaha
online lo..FACEBOOK,FRIENDSTER kinda boring with those web..
and then msn "always set busy cause really busy sometime..haha",last blogging..
Cuba gia..pa mau post??
Oh ya kan..i want to watch CYRIL SIMPLY MAGIC OH..HAHA