Man I miss the WBC!!! The new season has been kind of drab so far. I was excited about today's first Yankees win at home, and I enjoy that my NL wild card prediction, the Marlins are doing really really well, as in the best team in MLB right now well. Going from the WBC to April's regular season games is like running full speed for a marathon, then going down to a jog for a few miles. The excitement, the fans, the pride, and the flags are missed. I know that this will change as the season gets going and starts to really heat up, but it's difficult to think that I will have to wait 4 years from now to see the next tourney. I wish that it was every other year...oh well, needless to say, I had a blast watching the games in person and on tv. I got some nice souvenirs (photos, a few t-shirts, an autographed team Italy ball, a game used ball from Venezuelan pitcher- Hernandez, and a custom Italia BP jersey). As you can tell, I love the WBC and can't wait until 2013 !

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Sully "demands" that fans like me have forgotten about the '09 WBC and think that we came to some realization that the tourney was only "spring training" and "meaningless." If only they watched some of the tourney's play, they would realize that it's a very meaningful thing that Bud Selig created to promote the game of baseball to the world. They would have probably enjoyed the high level of play that 15 of 16 teams displayed in honoring their countries. It's sad to think that people are that close-minded to not even give the WBC chance. They probably wouldn't like watching the Caribbean Series either, because it's not part of the 162 game regular season. I only hope that people give it a chance in 2013. I promise that they won't be disappointed in what they see!