Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mariachi Magic

We have a great friend here named Val. She throws awesome parties, and we feel fortunate to be invited. We had a great Thanksgiving feast, thanks to Val. I took some simple wheat rolls and I couldn't believe how the ladies were gushing over my "pan de lujo" (fancy bread) as they called it. Yes, it is impossible to find good wheat bread here. Unless you make it yourself.

This awesome mariachi band played for us.

And here is Mateo rockin' with the mariachis while eating his "pan de lujo."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When in Rome...

I have no problem with public breastfeeding. I do it all the time, and I do it discreetly without a "nursing cover." Unless you're standing right above me peering at my chest, you won't see any skin. I know that most people in the States frown on public breastfeeding, but I don't think we should be astonished by this very normal way of nourishing babies.

 Here I am breastfeeding on the train at the zoo.
And here I am breastfeeding at Uxmal (Mayan ruins).

I believe in feeding my baby when he/she is hungry, so I've breastfed at the store, the gym, on planes, at parks, in restaurants, at the zoo...everywhere I've taken my baby. Except for one place. I've always said, "I would never breastfeed my baby in the main meeting with men, women, and children at church" (of course, I've had no problem breastfeeding in the all-ladies meeting). Maybe because my babies are loud when they eat, maybe because it's church. So I'd get up and walk out to the special "mother's room" where there are nice chairs and a door that closes.
Then we came to Mexico, and our first Sunday in church, I asked the ladies if there was a room where I could go feed my baby when he got hungry. No, they don't have a "mother's room" here. The moms just breastfeed where they are. I thought about trying to find an empty classroom or maybe even going out to the car.
Then I remembered a friend of mine describing her experience at the Turkish baths. Before going, she thought she could cover up a bit and still be modest in front of the other bathers, maybe wear a swimsuit or something. But when she arrived and they handed her this teeny tiny apron that wouldn't cover top or bottom well at all, and she realized she'd really stand out if she wore her swimsuit, she shrugged and said, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
So I shrugged and said, "When in Rome..."
Sometimes it's a little bit liberating to go against your own, "I would never...!" statements. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Merida Centro

There are lots of fun parks and activities in Merida. Here's a peek at what we've seen/done in town:

Plaza de la Madre
 I just love this sculpture! I will have to go back during the day and take a better photo, but I was glad to get in front of it with my little ones. The details are awesome--this mama is holding and bathing her infant in her lap and at the same time hanging on to her little girl. She is busy! Her eyes and hands and arms and legs and feet are all engaged, caring for her offspring. Doesn't that perfectly describe "maternidad" (motherhood)?

Plaza de las Americas
This awesome fountain has six or so plumed serpents. I just had to climb on it (I used my self-control and didn't jump in though). 

Mormon temple

Horsey Ride
We took a carriage ride through downtown during Christmas time. Loved seeing all the lights, and the kids were delighted!

I'm married to a foodie. I might be a foodie now too. We ate at this Japanese restaurant and the food was scrumptious! D ordered octopus, I ordered chicken curry. We both cleaned both plates. Yum!