Monday, June 23, 2008

The Princess is Two!

I'm so good at doing late posts! I started this one almost a month ago and I still haven't posted it. The photos are out of order to make it more exciting! I didn't make Squeak a birthday cake this year because she was really constipated, so I decided to make a special "pan de mono" (whole wheat bread that looks--sort of--like a monkey) and serve it with fruit preserves. Mmm, lots of fiber and also very healthy. It was such a hit, I don't know if I'll ever make her a cake again!! She's STILL asking for "mas pan de mono" almost daily. What a girl!

Squeak on her Birth Day

A birthday run for La Squeak
(I LOVE the double jogger!!!)

Pip enjoyed the consumption of the "pan de mono" from the sidelines

Pan de mono
She was so excited about her monkey bread instead of a cake!

Baby Squeak

"Silla de Pip"

Family Hike

Squeak's Blessing

My baby turned two a month ago. She has brought us so much joy these past two years, and she has been a great companion for me. She is also a sweet big sister and she makes all of us (including Pip) giggle with her antics.

Here are some of her favorite things:

Favorite shape: estrella--she notices them everywhere and constantly points them out to me
Favorite color: azul! (I haven't had much luck teaching her most of the other colors because when I ask her what color somthing is, she almost always responds, "azul!")
Favorite food: banana, cheese, yogurt, peas, bread, milk, grapes, all fruits.... well, she loves food
Favorite thing to wear: it's a toss-up between her flip flops and her wild butterfly skirt
Favorite letter: "A"--she also notices them everywhere and constantly points them out to me
Favorite animals: mono, moma (mariposa), pajaro, gato, perro. She also likes hormigas (we've recently had an ant infestation and she squeals with delight when she sees one crawling across the table or floor)
Favorite little friend: Emma
Favorite toy: toys have almost no appeal when Mama's around, but she does enjoy her little kitchen, on loan from cousin Sara
Favorite book: probably Libro de Mono (that's "Hug" or "Good Night, Gorilla")
Favorite comfort object: "Mo"--that's what she named my Care Bear that I gave her for Christmas