Wednesday, September 30, 2009


How very, very naughty (read...lazy) of me to have left it so long between blog posts.
*sigh*...I dont know...I seem to have spent less time in the blogging world of late...actually less time on the computer full stop...which is not a bad thing...BUT...have I dont anything productive during this time away from the would think so...but no...very little!!!
I do have something to show though!!! LOL
I recieved my first bridal commission a little while back and have just completed it. All good...everyone approves!!! All round happy bridesmaids and bride...PHEW!!!
I was asked to make 3 bridesmaids sets...3 loopy wire chokers and 3 earring sets...using latte toned glass pearls and gold wire and findings!!!

So here is a piccie or two!!