Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fall Happenings - 2014

This fall had a lot of wonderful things going on. Owen began playing soccer and had a wonderful and successful time on his first team. It was darling watching him and he was the sweetest teammate! We also visited a local pumpkin patch and it did not disappoint. There was a fun petting zoo, a field of flowers open for picking bouquets, yummy food and of course fields of pumpkins.

Another momentous Halloween! We decided to go with another movie theme: The Christmas Story. It was so fun and gave us lots of laughs!

Living so close to our good friends and Sea World, a trip there with our close friends was a must! 

And the best news of all, we found out that we would be welcoming another beautiful boy to our family. The most special blessing to us. 

It was most definitely an eventful Fall! Graham jumped off his child size chair pretending to be superman and broke his arm. He was a trooper about it all. So tough and not once complained about his circumstances. Sure love this sweet boy!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dr. Daddy

The boys love dressing up like daddy! These pictures are true treasures to me. I love how much the boys look up to him! We are all very proud of our doctor daddy.

Emily Comes to Visit! - September 2014

My sister and I share a birthday month and it has become a tradition to meet up together sometime during that month for some sister time. We only meet up at eachother's homes but one day we will venture off, just the two of us, to a fun place as a legit vacation. A few years back it began when I went to San Diego to visit her, just me and baby Owen. Then she came out to Arizona and then I went back down to San Diego (solo this time) and then we had a year off. But this year she came to me in Austin! I packed her four days here completely full with lots of things to do AND EAT! Austin is every foodie's dream place. There is so much to eat and everything is so good and the atmosphere is amazing. We saw the bats fly out from under South Congress bridge, visited tons of murals, walked along 6th street with tons of live music and dancing, went swimming at Barton Springs, spent an entire day vintage and thrift shopping, and had some fun staying up late and chatting. I love my sister so much and am so grateful for our friendship.

College Football

BYU came to Austin to play UT. Go Longhorns! We are quickly realizing what a huge college football town this place is and it is so much fun! Our buddy Skyler drove up from San Antonio for the game and Owen went with the big boys to cheer on their team. At one point in the night Owen said "I am so happy I could cry!" Safe to say they had a blast!

California Visit - Fall 2014

After moving to Texas, it wasn't long before we hopped onto an airplane and flew to see family. It was so good to be home! We spent two weeks with my family. Tyson unfortunately had to work but my mom kept us busy going to movies in Hollywood, going to the beach, a trip down to San Diego to visit my sister and cousins, Uncle Matt and Aunt Haley and cousin Will came, and more time spent with my dad. We always love our time there and my heart is filled with so much love seeing family and close friends, and the beach!

We love you California!

St George- January 2014

I completely forgot to document our fun trip to St George with friends! We met up with all of our medical school friends in St. George for a week of fun. We stayed in two homes and had many late nights of talking, playing and eating. We swam, celebrated Ryan and Skyler's birthdays with a Dirty Thirty party, had a few girl days, hiked and golfed. It was so fun to see our kiddos have a blast together! So many memories I will forever remember!

Until next time med school framily!!

4th of July - 2014

Texas is quickly becoming to feel like home. We had a wonderful 4th of July spent with new friends, fun parties and an awesome firework show. Everything really is bigger in Texas!

Tyson was sleeping the morning of the 4th from a night shift the night before and so I took the boys to a cute town parade with some friends.

The firework show was just around the corner in our neighborhood and so we biked there!

Happy 4th of July!!

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