I have been seeing this card at SplitCoastStampers for the past week, and thought it was adorable, so I HAD to make one, too!
He went together in about 1/2 hour so that makes it extra fun! I am gonna make a few more to send home for Halloween...I think my nephew, Hunter, will LOVE him.
He went together in about 1/2 hour so that makes it extra fun! I am gonna make a few more to send home for Halloween...I think my nephew, Hunter, will LOVE him.
I spent most of the day organizing my inks....I need to get some ink refills, so I made my list. I have to place a SU order in my round robin group, and I still haven't inked my stamps from last time, so I am gonna just get inks....I need 9 of them....go figure...LOL! Hmmmmm maybe that is a project for me this weekend...ink some stamps I have yet to use!
My DD has her BFF coming tomorrow for the entire day and nigjht, so I am gonna make my famous Chicken & Noodles for the girls. They will be HAPPY CAMPERS for sure...hehehe. Well, ya'll have a great night, and I will see you tomorrow!
Rubber Hugs,