Hi all:
Hope you are having a busy, fun time gettng ready for Christmas. I sure am!
I have been working the last 4 days, and today, my day off,is the last push to get ready for the big birthday celebration (Christmas). So I have lots to do, nothing new about that, everyone does at this time of year.
I have bad news, too... I was in a horrendous automobile accident on the 13th and my vehicle was totalled. The person who ran into me did not have insurance, did not have a driver's license or any ID, non-English speaking,and tried to leave the scene, but his vehicle was too banged up to go very far...so my car is a total loss!
But, I am alive!! Banged up and sore all over, but at least I am here and kickin'!! Ok, this is my "public service" message for everyone: Wear those seat belts!! Mine save my life for sure. I am sure I would be "roadkill" if I had not had mine fastened. So you do it too!!
On the quilting front, I have been working on Bonnies' mystery..and am about to run out of background fabrics!! Isn't that a nice way to stash bust?? I love it! and can't wait to see the finished product. I am enjoying the journey so much.
This is a picture of my drunkard's pathway quilt. I actually got to liking the curved piecing! The anticipation is much worse than the actually doing of it, it got to be pretty easy. It is hand-quilted, hand stippled in the borders. Fun!!
Hope everyone is having a blessed, warm holiday time.
Have a wonderful day all!!