Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Festivities

We had a great Halloween! Here are the highlights from the festivities!
Grace knew long ago that she wanted to be Dora. I had fun putting together her costume. She loved wearing that ridiculous wig!
I was Jessie last year so naturally Clara wanted to be her this year.
I think she was a much cuter Jessie than I was.
Nate was his classic Woody. He was made to be Woody.
I found this ridiculous Alien headpiece at a thrift store and thought it fit in perfectly with our Toy Story theme.
Here the girls are modeling during the ward costume parade.
And again at the photo booth.
The girls had jack-o-lantern quesadillas for lunch on the big day. They have never been so excited about lunch time.

They went trick-or-treating with their cousins Tinkerbelle and the Astronaut.
So excited to trick-or-treat!
We hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Surprise!

Coming May 2014!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Fun!

At the beginning of October we were lucky enough to have my mom come visit. While she was here we took a trek out to the pumpkin patch. We love the pumpkin patch here and we love it when Grandma visits!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy birthday to Clara!

Today marks 4 years from when I first became a mom. For some reason that makes me feel old! Clara has turned my life upside-down, then right-side-up and back again. Sometimes I feel like I have to do cartwheels to keep up with her but that's what makes her so great! She is as smart as they come and never forgets anything. She has a heart the size of Texas and gives the very best hugs. Every night she asks where we are going tomorrow and if I don't have a sufficient answer she has some crazy plan of her own. She keeps me on my toes with all of her plans and shenanigans because she just wants to maximize every moment. I learn so much from her every day!
We have been celebrating the birthday girl all weekend so here are some pictures of the celebrations!

 (Warning: there are a lot of pictures. Don't feel obligated unless you are an out-of-state grandparent, in which case, these are for you!)

Gotta love the Moses Action Figure