Monday, March 28, 2011


The Birthday Girl

Mila turned 1 on March 22. Love her...

I'm 1!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Attention all Groupies!

Here is my set list for my show on April 9th with DUE WEST:

1. Moses- Patty Griffin Listen here
2. Sleeping Sickness- City and Colour - my version here, or the O.G here
3. Surprise song, aka- we have no clue yet
4. Heavenly Day- Patty Griffin listen here
5. Landslide- like this version

I have some surprises up my sleeve. So, you won't want to miss it. If you want to buy tickets online, go here. I hope you all can come. I'm so excited for it!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best Family Ever

Last week, we had my family in town. My brother Marc, sister in law Julie and their 3 adorable kids, PLUS my Mom and Dad. The only one missing was my brother Dave. Who totally missed out on some good times. We showed them everything good in the good ole Beav. We went skiing, showed them the farm, took them to El Bambi (best food ever), got diet cokes, went to the cute boutique, and most importantly... had a blast. I rarely get to see my brother and his family. Maybe once a year, twice if we are lucky. So this was definately a treat. Thanks you guys for a great time! Miss you already. Here are some of the best photos.... there were wayyy too many to post on here.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monkey See, Monkey Do

First off, if you haven't already, please read my previous post and then read the comment by my bestie Ryan Smart. He is amazing and if he is your friend, you are lucky. And because of him, I've decided not to dye my hair red.

Second. I had an experience at church yesterday that was either an eye opener, or a slap in the face. I can't decide which one yet.

I was sitting in Sacrament with Gavin. Only Gavin. (Kyle stayed home with the baby doll and Roman wandered off to sit with my in-laws.) And in our ward newsletter, the last page was a fun little questionaire that you were supposed to fill out as a family, just for fun. There were questions like, what is the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Or, if you could invite a famous person to dinner, who would it be? (A Kardashian, duh!)... kidding, kind of.

But, the last question was "If your friends went to a movie that you didn't want to see, what would you do?" And Gavin took a minute and thought really hard about this question. All these thoughts were running through my head about how profound his answer would be. Then, Gavin looked up at me and said, "I don't know. Probably just go with them, I guess."............ FAIL. Totally not the answer I wanted, or expected out of Gavin.

Then, a good friend of mine got up and bore her testimony. It was FANTASTIC. She said something that I will never forget. She said, "I worked really hard for my testimony." ...

After hearing that, I realized how different people are. There are some who have a testimony that was simply rooted in them. It's not that they didn't work for it, but they just don't have to work as hard to believe. It just comes naturally. Others have to struggle and fight inner battles in order to grow. And, don't get me wrong. I believe you can be a part of both. Like myself. I have a strong testimony that I was just born with. But I have also worked really hard to strengthen it and keep it. And, after hearing my friend say it that way, I understood how precious her testimony was to her, and how hard she worked to get it.

My next thought was, how can I get my kids to have a strong testimony? I believe that some people are naturally born leaders. You know, the strong, type A personalities. I haven't decided with Roman yet, but I'm pretty sure if his friends jumped off a cliff, he would jump higher and further than all of his friends, just to prove he could. But Gavin, I KNOW was born a leader. Now, its up to me to teach him to use that for good. How can I teach him to be self assured enough to make good decisions WITH, and FOR his friends? Because, we all know that friends are pretty much the determining factor of your kids living the gospel, or smoking weed. I'm pretty sure there is no real answer to my questions, other than to raise your kids in the gospel and hope for the best. But sometimes, just hoping is scary.

My parents raised 3 stubborn and strong willed children. Yet, somehow, we overall made all the right decisions that landed us all with strong testimonies. But as stubborn as we all are, there is a mercy that comes through the gospel. There is a time and a place to be a strong willed leader, but even the strong willed need to be followers of Christ.

If I can teach this to my kids, I think they will be just fine. But for right now, I need to have a chat with Gavin about going to movies with friends.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hi, my name is Julie, and I'm a legitimate singer.


I will be opening for the country band Due West (google them) when they come to Beaver in April! Yes, that's right. I'm an opening act. How cool is that?!?

Almost as cool as the fact that my face will be on their poster. And if you are wondering, I'm totally gonna frame the poster and display it in the front room of my house. I'm really excited about it!

In related news, Kyle and I saw the movie "Country Strong" last night. Amazing. Hot people, great music, awesome storyline. If you get the chance, you should go see it. Totally worth the $15 ticket, or whatever it is you are paying for a movie these days.

Which brings me to my next thought. I get to a certain point in my hair life where I contemplate its next move. Cut it, grow it, dye it, shave it all off? What to do? Here's is a picture of what I really want to do to it. Color-wise at least. Am I too old for hair like this? What's your opinion? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ryan-- I'm talking to you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

She's on a roll. Coincedently eating one as well.

Wow! Look at me go, two days in a row of blogging bliss.

The baby doll is feeling a little better. She smiled yesterday quite a bit, which is a huge step from the past couple days of looking and feeling like death. And, I failed to mention that we discovered that Gavin has asthma. Weird.

Anyway, I've decided to discuss one of my favorite things at the moment, just to keep things interesting. Drum roll............ TV.

I could talk about TV all day (sad, I know). But lets be honest. The second the kids are in bed, Kyle and I plop down on the couch, in the same spots, and immerse ourselves into a television coma. I usually pass out at about 10:30 or 11. Right around the time the sports segment comes on the news. And that's when Kyle has free range of the TV, watching all his man shows. No, not porn (c'mon, you know that was your first thought) ... but shows like Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, and that fighting one that I can't remember the name of. Sometimes I watch them with him, but its usually just to have one up on him for the next time I want him to watch the Bachelor with me. Give and Take...

-American Idol- Casey Abrams.
-The Middle- such a funny, quirky little show. Sue Heck, the daughter, is hideous. But overall a really fun show that your 7 year old can watch with you.
-Parenthood- if you enjoy life in anyway, you MUST watch this show. SO GOOD.
-Friday Night Lights- the series finale was a couple weeks ago. Honestly, my favorite tv show ever made... and I watch a lot of tv. You should netflix all the seasons if you've missed it.
-Glee- not really sure why we still watch it. The story lines are lame, but sometimes, the music is so so good. I think I'm holding on to something that was dead a long time ago. But what if??
-Modern Family- Al Bundy (does anyone REALLY call him anything else?) totally reminds me of my dad. Which makes the show even funnier.
-Community- totally over-shadowed The Office and 30 Rock for us. Both of which, we don't really watch anymore. Its just not as funny. But Community kills me. Troy and Abed in the morrrrning!
-It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- Probably my most favorite comedy of all time. It's completely inappropriate and you should never watch it with your older brother Marc, cause he would think you are horrible for laughing at such crudeness. But your big brother Dave, loves it. If you know my brothers, that pretty much sums up the content of Its Always Sunny.
-Late Night with Jimmy Fallon- hands down, the best late show ever. Love him.

So, there you have it. Our shows that we watch. What are you watching these days? Are we missing something?

On a side note, if you are looking for a new cd, you should try Sara Bareilles, Kaleidoscope Heart. It's actually not that new. But its one of those cd's where you don't have to skip every other song. The whole thing is fantastic.

Also, I found a friend who sings and plays guitar, and let me tell you... I went to her house the other day for a little jam sesh... I was super intimidated. She's better than me. And I'm not trying to be conceited, but I usually don't say stuff like that. But holy crap. She's fantastic. We might have to make a few videos together and start a band like The Wreckers.

Lastly, I made this little ditty to match a blessing dress for a friend of mine's little baby girl. I love how it turned out.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One on One updates.

I realize that I'm a horrible blogger. I haven't even checked YOUR blog in forever! I think my google reader said I had 504 items to read. Wow, that's gonna take a while. As for us, life has been boring, yet non-stop. Here's what we've been doing.

I'll start with Kyle: He is currently job searching, so if any of you know of anything, and I mean ANYTHING, do tell. He is educated, hard working, and has many hidden talents that I continue to find everyday. For example, every time he burps, he feels the need to burp a swear word. Who wouldn't want that around all day?... He is also becoming an excellent house-husband. He's better at laundry than I am. At least the "doing it" part. But, I'm sure his skills could be better put to use at something that he enjoys and can get paid for. So, keep an eye out for him. Thanks!

Oh, and we just celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday (go us!). I woke up to a diet coke and a massive cinnamon roll, which totally made my day, then to be followed by deep, deep guilt. Diet starts Monday!!...

As for me: I've been busy teaching voice lessons, making cute hair bows, nursing sick children all day, while trying to fit in a little bit of awesome on the side. Still addicted to diet coke. Let's face it, I'll probably quit many more times in my life, only to realize that getting a diet coke is the highlight of my day. Why would I wanna take away my own happiness? I also started running (gasp!). I know, I'm so not a runner. But it turns out, if your husband signs you up for a relay that involves your teammates relying on you... you'll do just about anything it takes not to be the fat, slow one on the team that screws it up for everyone else. Sooooo, I ran. I ran so much that I got a whole new running wardrobe. Hey, you gotta look good at all times. BUT, my knees started giving me problems. At first it only happened around mile 3. Now, it pretty much just hurts all the time. Which totally sucks because now I can't run the race this weekend. Not that I was LOVING running or anything, but I was LOVING that I was actually doing it. Added bonus: not so fat... still slow though.

Gavin just finished his first season of basketball. He did awesome. He's got skills, but is super timid and likes to hang back until the ball comes to him. We'll work on that for next year. He also just started his second year of wrestling. He LOVES it. And when I say LOVES, I mean he has to practice his moves every night after dinner with Kyle. He told Kyle that when he wrestles, he feels like the HULK. He wrestles like normal, and then all the sudden BAM!... the Hulk comes out! It's nice to see Gavin actually liking something other than sitting on the couch watching icarly. He's also becoming a great reader.

Roman is hilarious. He's taken on his mothers vocabulary, which is super embarrassing in front of the in-laws. I just smile and nod, as if he's from another really inappropriate planet. Where did this kid come from?!?... But, he loves to play farm upstairs and make messes wherever messes can be made. He loves pre-school and makes us laugh everyday.

Mila-girl is ADORABLE. My favorite part about her has to be her gap-teeth. She kills me. She is 11 months old now. I can't believe she will be 1! She started walking a couple weeks ago, which is just weird cause she's so miniature. She still loves baby food and hasn't quite taken the leap towards real food yet. Oh, and she still makes you feed her the bottle. I'm sure she could hold it herself, but she likes to snuggle and we are perfectly fine with that. The bummer is that right now, she has RSV. She's been sick for a few days now and its the saddest thing. We've been sitting on the couch for almost a week straight, catching up on old episodes of Jersey Shore and Kourtney and Kim take New York. Don't judge me. Mila likes it.

So, sorry that I've been so bad at updating. I'm making it a goal of mine to keep this blog going strong. So, beware of more writing and less pictures in the future. I can't possibly post a picture everyday! I can, however, tell you awesome stories about my life and all its glamorous-ness. Thanks for sticking with me!

I'll leave you with this fantastic picture that I tried to sneak in while typing. I love these boys.

The Baby Doll

It's official... I have a daughter. Which means, I have to do her hair everyday. I can't just shave it when I get sick of doing it all the time. Sooooo.... here is our first attempt at a hairdo. She's such a cute little peanut.

Yes, I'm aware that I suck at blogging

Here are some updates on us in picture form:

Gavin playing basketball

Roman, passed out on the couch.

St. George, mini golfing

Roman kills me

So cute


My favorite Picture


Gavin wrestling (aka, the hulk)

BYU game

such a cool picture