So, what makes me want to bake, which this is also the very first time happen in my kitchen? It is all because of Terry. You see kids is always our motivation in doing things that we do not like to do. Since Terry's appetite is back, he almost eat round the clock and he loves bread a lot, especially the Gardenia Raisin loaf. So, in order not to let him have too much of bread from confectionery, me and my mum home-made something for him - Steam Egg Cake.
My kitchen doesn't have a single baking tool not even an oven. I only have flour, eggs and sugar. So, that will be our ingredients of the day and my mum be the walking cook book. Without any measuring tools, use a bowl pop in 8 eggs (measure: read where the height line of all eggs) and add in sugar (measure: an inch below the eggs line), and whip in a stainless steel pot.
Use the manual hand mixer (from my mum's kitchen), whip till tired (around 40 minutes) with all sugar melt, you will find the mixture is a bit of self raise.
Then, add in flour (measure: same level height with eggs) and stir well. Oil wet the paper and put on top of the steaming tray (best use the tray with holes underneath). Pour in the mixture and add in raisins (optional). L'abeille tips: coat the raisin with flour first before put into the mixture, so that the raisin can flaot within the cake and not all sink at bottom.
Turn on stove fire to high and steam for 20 minutes. Kao Tim!
Terry says, Mmmm...the lil' boss approved that and he kept chasing us for more. This has simply tickle my baking interest and next will be Steam Banana Cake, another more lazy and easy version of making cake =P