Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bunch O' Stuff

I am backtracking a bit to give a condensed recap on the month of October:


Macie rode her first ferris wheel. She was very adamant that she wanted to give it a try. I thought she would get scared, but much to my surprise she walked right in with Josh and my mom, and waved to me and Ty every time they came around.


This is what Ty did while we waited.


Amanda, one of my best friends from high school, came to Vegas for our 10 year reunion. I've missed her. We partied like it was 1999...and then I was sick for a week and half.


Our cute kiddos: Elizabeth, Macie and Ty. The girls had so much fun together.


My friend Erin (in the back on the left) put together an awesome party. I almost didn't make it because of all the other things I had going on, but I'm so glad I had a chance to go. Josh was home studying (what a nerd) so it completey felt like high school days all over again. It was fun to see everyone and hear about their lives. Pretty much everyone looked the same, which I didn't expect. How can we be 10 years older if we all look the same? The best part was that all of the boys, when put together in the same room again, still acted immature. Some things never change, or cease to be entertaining. Maybe we will see you again, good old Bonanza, in 10 more years.


When Halloween rolled around I was surprisingly ready for it to be over. I think we had Halloween overload this year (probably only me). Here is my festive witch. She insisted that she was a good witch, and a purple one.


And my handsome ducky. This was Macie's costume 2 years ago and it is still adorable. He didn't want to wear the duck feet, but didn't mind the rest of the costume. What a sport.


I threw a Halloween party for Macie's little friends. Macie doesn't go to preschool and all of her friends do, so I knew she wouldn't have a party to go to like most other kids. She is old enough to be excited about Halloween and I thought it would be fun to have a festive party. By the time you count up her friends and a few little siblings, I had over 10 little kids in my house. They had a great time and I'm glad we did it, but once is enough for me in this lifetime. Aren't they a cute looking bunch?


These were their take-home goodies. A Halloween cup filled with popcorn and a few toys. Boo for me, the no-candy lady.


All of the cousins on Halloween night: Ty (ducky), Sadie Roses (little Red), Gus (Gus-Gus the mouse), Bella (Barbie fairy), Macie (the purple witch). The kids enjoyed trick-or-treating and hanging out with friends from our old ward.


Family picture at the Bulloch's house.


Josh's pizza smile. Your welcome.


And finally, don't be fooled by this innocent face. The best word to describe Ty is crazy. I knew he would give me a run for my money and he is living up to that in every way. Every single day he does something even sneakier than the previous. I love my crazy guy to pieces though.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Birthday Boy Turns 28

Happy birthday to the best looking man I know! I captured a rare moment snapping a picture when Josh took a nap today. He works hard and crashes hard. Love you Josh!