Sunday, September 27, 2009

All Things Ty

I feel like Ty is getting the short end of the stick. Such is the life of the second child. I don't do monthly updates or have half as many pictures as I did with Macie at his age. His personality seems to fit my neglect because he is WAY too busy to care about what I do. He has his own agenda and doesn't let Mom or anyone else get in his way. Here are a few things about my Ty Guy:

  • He loves food. Basically any kind will do. I've discovered that the only way I can get him to hold still while I change his diaper is to put a snack in his hand. I love to watch him walk into the kitchen, head straight over to the snack cupboard, open it up and pull something out. If the package needs to be open he brings it to me, otherwise he just helps himself. 
  • His attention can be diverted by the word "outside" at any moment. He runs to the door, bangs and yells until it opens. However, if he sees someone going outside and he isn't invited there will be a crying protest. "Shoes" is one of the words he can sign, and he asks for them often so he can go outside and walk around. 
  • He picked up signing pretty well so far, considering I didn't teach him too many words. I feel like it makes life a little easier. He will show us signs for eat, all done, more, shoes and please.
  • Ty loves his blankies. Any of his soft blankets will do, he doesn't have a favorite yet. I suspected he would cling to a blanket because he never took a pacifier or sucked his thumb. 
  • I love when he says "Ma-ma" although "Da-da" seems to be his favorite word. He is quick to recognize Josh's presence, but to be clear, he is still very attached to me. He also says hello, sounds like "I-lo", "woo-woo" (he barks) for dog, and "sho" for shoes.  
  • He is very inquisive and likes to figure out how things work. He enjoys putting things together, taking them apart, fitting them into spaces...all that boy stuff.
  • His favorite toys are balls and books. He spends a good portion of the day playing catch with himself. He throws the ball, hurries over to it, picks it up and throws it again. He also pulls books off the bookshelf and brings them to us to read. He gets really into the animal ones and tries to make the right sounds. He's getting there. Books are one of the moments I can get him to sit still voluntarily. 
  • He is a daredevil. I am amazed and the physical power of my little guy at age 1. He watches Macie and tries to do what she does. For example, the bottom of our stairs are blocked off, but Ty grabs onto the rails from the outside and climbs up the side. He stands on the bottom step with white knuckles yelling for me to come see what he's done. He is very proud. He also gets mad when I pull him off because he wants to keep climbing. Luckily he hasn't figured how to climb sideways yet. I snapped a picture of him trying to walk around a raised pillar like Macie does. He can also open doors. Fortunately, he can't open any of the doors to get outside yet. I have a feeling I will find him trapped in the garage one of these days though. 

  • We celebrated his first birthday with some swimming and a BBQ. Ty had a great time despite everyone's disappointment that he didn't devour his cake and make a huge mess. I'm sorry my child prefers peas to birthday cake. He is my child, what can I say.
  • He weighs almost 23 pounds and his height is in the 95th percentile. The pediatrician asked me if people think he is older than 12 months. Not really, they just comment on how tall he is. No surprise there.
  • My sweet little guy never fails to make us smile. He cracks us up every day with the things he does. He is very loving and happy. He greets people with a toothy grin and gets even happier when they smile back. He loves to laugh. It makes us laugh when he does. He and Macie have a special bond that I know was formed before this life. They love each other so much (eventhough she pushes him around once and a while). When I think back to the time he was born and how hard life was for me, I know Ty was worth every minute. I love you Bubba.  

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Big Buddy

Tomorrow this little guy will celebrate his first birthday.

This is what he's been up to this past month:

Friday, September 11, 2009

No, I'm Not Kidding

Let's review my day, shall we?

6:45 am - Macie comes in to tell us that she can't find the little digital clock she keeps on her bed. (She is supposed to wait until after 7 to come out of her room.)

7:20 - I go into Ty's room and am shocked by how hot it is. Hm, that's not normal.

7:30 - 11:00 - Josh leaves for the day. We eat breakfast, get dressed, Ty takes his morning nap, cleaning people arrive, thermostat continues to rise upstairs, and my sister calls and wants us to come over and play. I am also speculating that our AC is not functioning upstairs. I text Josh, he says he will look at it when he gets home. By the way, the high for today was over 100 degrees.

11:00 - 11:30 - I give Macie her vitamin and a cup of grape juice, we get in the car and drive to my sister's house. Macie starts to cough a little and tells me that the juice isn't "getting it." Getting what? Is a piece of her chewable vitamin stuck? I give her some of my water. As we get close to my sister's house she tells me her stomach hurts. That is NEVER a good sign. 30 seconds later she throws up in the car, multiple times.

11:30 - 1:00 - HELL. Awful. I arrive at my sister's house to discover another mess. Mel dropped a gallon  of milk in the garage while she was unloading groceries, and it broke open. I unload Ty, who is overdue for a bottle, and then move on to Macie. If you don't like nasty details, STOP READING NOW. Macie and her booster seat were covered in grape juice vomit. She was wearing a super cute white outfit. Not anymore! I strip her down, put her in the bath, and the following hour is pretty much a blur. It consisted of cleaning and disinfecting the car, washing the carseat and Macie's clothes, bathing Macie, feeding the kids, and cleaning milk out of the garage. I also learned that one of my car windows won't roll down. Sweet, when did that happen?

1:30 - 3:45 - I finally get something to eat because I feel like I'm going to pass out. Ty needs his afternoon nap, but Macie's carseat isn't dry yet. My sister sets up the pack 'n play and he takes a nap. We finally get things cleaned up and squared away so we can head home.

4:00 - 7:30 - I get home and check the themostat upstairs. 85 degrees. I now conclude that the AC is most definitely not working. I call the service people and they head over. Josh comes home. The repairman tells us things about lots of parts, labor, and a good chunk of money. And nothing can be done until Monday or Tuesday. He also blew dust from the attic all over Macie's bedroom while he was "trying" to vacuum it up off the floor. Completely unacceptable.

Josh calls another service company to come over while I feed the kids. The person who takes the call actually knows Josh and sends someone right over. While we wait, Ty's crib is disassembled (this is one of those times having a pack 'n play would have come in handy) and set up in the toy room downstairs so he can sleep with some cool air. Macie's room is thoroughly vacuumed out and bedding is put in the washer. The second repairman is very nice, efficient, and has a completely different solution to our problem. We end up with functioning AC upstairs and no bill.

Finally, my thrilling day is winding down. The kids are sleeping and the house is cooling off. I am able to sit down with a glass of water, and I now feel how exhausted I am. My back hurts so bad from all of the tension and stress today. I am so happy that today is over. So very happy. I really hope tomorrow is better.

*I have to admit, my kids were so well behaved today. Macie was completely fine the second after she threw up and had a great time with her cousin Sadie. Ty was an angel and played so well at my Mel's house. Way to come through guys.

**Thank you Danica for sending your good luck our way. However, I do think my story is funnier than yours.


Despite the fact that I had a busy day, I kept thinking about the signifigance of today. Eight years ago today I was a college student, glued to the television set trying to make sense of the terrorists attacks. It was awful. So many people lost loved ones that day, and the rest of us felt the impact in other ways. I am glad we have time to remember. I will never forget.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back To The Grind

We were spoiled with Josh over the past four weeks while he had vacation time. I felt like I was on vacation too, yet, lets face it, in reality there is no vacation from being a mom. Yesterday was my first day back on my own again and we missed Josh all day.  Here's some of the things that we did over the last month:

  • Our yard received a face-lift, both front and back. 
  • The cars had every crumb and smudge removed (although it didn't take long for those types of things to return). 
  • We went to the cannery, just the two of us, and had a fun time laughing at each other in hairnets. 
  • We did another inventory of our 72 hr. kits to keep things rotated and accounted for.  
  • We spent time at Lake Mead.
  • Visited San Diego and Genoa (& Tahoe!)
  • Sent Josh's brothers off to Brazil and BYU. 
I think since we were busy it seemed to go by fast. I love having Josh home all the time! Now I have a list a mile long of things I need to do that I put off during the break. One of them includes to revamp my blog (hence the current way it looks). I'm working on deciphering html and adjusting images. It is taking a lot of time when I don't seem to have much to begin with. I also updated my google reader today and HELLO, where have I been? It has been well over a year (maybe 2?) since I did it last and I was missing like half of my blog list. So a big hello to everyone that I hadn't seen in a long time! I rely on reader because it's much quicker than going from blog to blog. I also added a followers link to my page, so feel free to add yourself. 

Now that I feel summer is officially over since Josh's break is done, I need to do a major recap post. One of these days, I promise...