Friday, June 1, 2012
Happy 27th Josh!
Josh had his 27th birthday this week! Holy smokes, he is gettin old! We celebrated by going to the Indy 500!! It was so fun! We have never been to any races before, so it was a cool experience for us! Those cars are SO loud! Hailey told Josh she wants to be a race car driver when she grows up :) The only down side was that is was ridiculously hot! We stayed for a few hours and then went swimming and had dinner and cake! Fun day! Happy Birthday Josh! We Love you!

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Game Time
We went to the Pacers VS Heat Playoff Game with the whole Vivint office! I can't even describe how excited Josh was. We are Miami Heat fans, so even though it was here in Indiana we wore our Heat Gear! Josh got so much crap ALL day! Buuut when the Heat pulled out the win, we didn't hear anymore talkin! ;) It was so fun!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Summer Fun In Indiana!
Josh has been workin his tail off out here! He gets Sunday's off, so we look forward to one day a week! As for me, I do tons of homework and stay home with Hailey all day. I am so grateful I get to spend so much time with her! We have enjoyed all our time together. We find fun things to do almost every day! We bought a pass to the Zoo and swim, swim, swim! It's also been amazing to have such good friends out here! This summer a lot of wives have kids, so Hailey has a blast!

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Easter 2012
We arrived in Indiana the weekend of Easter. We didn't have much to unpack, but between unloading and the MANY Wally trips it was a busy weekend! Sunday was the first day we got to relax and enjoy our new place. When Josh and I woke up, Hailey was at the foot of our bed just staring at us.. lol, so we got up and told her to see if the Easter Bunny left her any eggs. We walked out of our bedroom and she had already found most of them and put them in a neat little pile! How long had she been up!? I thought it was so funny! She didn't find her basket though, so at least we got to see that part :) She LOVED everything about Easter. Plus there is a church just 2 miles away, so we were excited about that. I thought we'd have to drive an hour! The ward was really nice and super excited to have a group from Utah! Anyway we enjoyed our Easter Sunday!

Monday, April 9, 2012
Road Trip
In April we packed up a FEW suitcases and headed to our temporary home in Indiana! We decided to take our time and see some new places. Our first stop was Denver, CO. We didn't reach our hotel until about midnight, so we didn't get to see much. The city lights looked amazing though! Our next stop was in Topeka, KS. Oh my gosh Kansas was SO flat and gloomy and smelly..? Weird, I know. Anyways we were super happy to reach St. Louis on our third day! We went downtown and visited the Arch. We also walked the streets and had lunch. St. Louis is beautiful! I'd love to live there someday :) Hailey was such a trooper the entire trip! I can't believe how well she did. Thank goodness!! We are glad to be in Indiana!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Hailey's 3rd Birthday!!
My baby is 3 years old!! I can't believe it.. Where did the time go? As much as I miss a baby around, Hailey is my best little buddy! She makes everyday better, and Josh and I just love her to pieces! This age is so fun AND funny, she cracks us up on a daily basis. Can't imagine our lives any other way! Love you Hailey Jo, Happy Birthday!!
For her Birthday we woke up and opened presents from Mom and Dad. She got some good practice in from Christmas, so she was a pro at opening her presents! Her favorite gifts were her train set and leap pad. She could have just sat and played Choo Choos all day long and had the best birthday ever! Buut we had other plans! Josh and I took her to Jumpkin Jacks and out to lunch before her nap. Then the party started! Her cousins came down and we went back to Jumpin Jacks for more fun! After we headed to my Mom's for pizza, cake, and more presents! Hailey wanted nothing to do with pizza.. She ate 9 cupcakes!! NINE! and then a piece of cake to top it off. Hahaha we were all a little amazed. But hey she's the Birthday Girl and she knows how to party! It was such a good day!
What Hailey loves..
- Pictures
- "workin out"
- Dora
- Tangled
- Horses
- Picking her outfits
- Going to "school"
- Helping Mom and Dad fix things
- Our yorkie, Tucker
- Playing puppy
- Coloring
- Blanket and Bink
- Naps
- Singing
- Dancing
- Wearing Mommies shoes and make up
- Talking
- Giving Snuggles
- Playing outside
- Baking birthday cakes
- Shopping
She can..
- Brush her teeth
- Go potty and stay dry all night
- Ride her big girl bike and wheeler
- Sing Twinkle Twinkle, Wow Wow, and You are my Sunshine
- Name animals and make their noises
- Count to 10, to 5 in spanish
- Sing half of her ABC's
- Call Grandma
- Work our Ipads as well as we can
- Get dressed
- Say her full name
- Tell us how to get home
- Name all the colors

For her Birthday we woke up and opened presents from Mom and Dad. She got some good practice in from Christmas, so she was a pro at opening her presents! Her favorite gifts were her train set and leap pad. She could have just sat and played Choo Choos all day long and had the best birthday ever! Buut we had other plans! Josh and I took her to Jumpkin Jacks and out to lunch before her nap. Then the party started! Her cousins came down and we went back to Jumpin Jacks for more fun! After we headed to my Mom's for pizza, cake, and more presents! Hailey wanted nothing to do with pizza.. She ate 9 cupcakes!! NINE! and then a piece of cake to top it off. Hahaha we were all a little amazed. But hey she's the Birthday Girl and she knows how to party! It was such a good day!
What Hailey loves..
- Pictures
- "workin out"
- Dora
- Tangled
- Horses
- Picking her outfits
- Going to "school"
- Helping Mom and Dad fix things
- Our yorkie, Tucker
- Playing puppy
- Coloring
- Blanket and Bink
- Naps
- Singing
- Dancing
- Wearing Mommies shoes and make up
- Talking
- Giving Snuggles
- Playing outside
- Baking birthday cakes
- Shopping
She can..
- Brush her teeth
- Go potty and stay dry all night
- Ride her big girl bike and wheeler
- Sing Twinkle Twinkle, Wow Wow, and You are my Sunshine
- Name animals and make their noises
- Count to 10, to 5 in spanish
- Sing half of her ABC's
- Call Grandma
- Work our Ipads as well as we can
- Get dressed
- Say her full name
- Tell us how to get home
- Name all the colors
Merry Christmas!
I love everything about the Holidays! I am in the best mood for pretty much two months straight. Josh even loves it more than I do.. And thats sayin somethin! So put us together and it gets crazy! Anyways Christmas was great! We are so blessed. Hailey is old enough to understand Santa now, so that was fun! I also tried to teach her about the true meaning of Christmas.. She got upset everytime. All she knows is that when I explain that Christmas is Jesus's birthday, it meant it wasn't hers.. Poor thing was so confused about Birthdays and Christmas because hers is on the 27th. lol, but she did have a good Christmas! She was so shocked when she walked into the living room and saw all her gifts. We had to tell her it was ok to touch them! Kids are so dang fun! We opened and played with toys all morning, had a yummy breakfast, took a nap, and headed up to see my parents. We spent the whole week with them! So nice to have a week off and spend it with family!
Cute story I don't want to forget..
Josh and I had been trying to find a family to help this Christmas.. Well I was taking Hailey into daycare one night and they had an Angel Tree. I thought this was just the cutest idea and so we picked a few names off to shop for. The next day I took Hailey shopping, while explaining to her we were picking out presents for kids that needed them. I ended up buying a lot of coats, gloves, hats, ect.. We got home and I was wrapping these presents and telling her how happy the girls and boys would be on Christmas because some kids don't have coats, and toys. So I continue wrapping and about 10 minutes later Hailey comes walking out of her room with every single coat she owns and told me she got them for the kids. My heart melted! She reminds me how blessed we are and how I want to help families in need all year. Kids have a cute way of reminding us of whats really important. She would give all her coats away without hesitation. I want to be more like that. Anyways, We just love her!
We go to the Temple every year to see the nativity and lights

Hailey loved making a ginger bread house!

Opening her PJ's on Christmas Eve

Lookin cute in her new Christmas PJ's

Merry Christmas Dad!

Toys these days are so hard to open!

Cute story I don't want to forget..
Josh and I had been trying to find a family to help this Christmas.. Well I was taking Hailey into daycare one night and they had an Angel Tree. I thought this was just the cutest idea and so we picked a few names off to shop for. The next day I took Hailey shopping, while explaining to her we were picking out presents for kids that needed them. I ended up buying a lot of coats, gloves, hats, ect.. We got home and I was wrapping these presents and telling her how happy the girls and boys would be on Christmas because some kids don't have coats, and toys. So I continue wrapping and about 10 minutes later Hailey comes walking out of her room with every single coat she owns and told me she got them for the kids. My heart melted! She reminds me how blessed we are and how I want to help families in need all year. Kids have a cute way of reminding us of whats really important. She would give all her coats away without hesitation. I want to be more like that. Anyways, We just love her!
We go to the Temple every year to see the nativity and lights
Hailey loved making a ginger bread house!
Opening her PJ's on Christmas Eve
Lookin cute in her new Christmas PJ's
Merry Christmas Dad!
Toys these days are so hard to open!
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