Tuesday, April 7, 2009

These are pics from our vacation to South Dakota over Spring Break. Jon's parents were able to come with us, and we had a FANTASTIC time! These first pics are from the mammoth site where there was a sinkhoe 99 gazillion years ago, and they have found bones from more than 86 mammoths and some other animals as well. Kind of like an 'elephant graveyard'!

Bradley tickling the belly of the life-sized mammoth cutout. Emma's checking out his pedicure.

My muscle-man!

Bad to the bone! Oops, I mean Brad and the bone.

Tanner struggles a bit under the weight.

Brooklyn and the mammoth sized 'bone'.

Emma decorated herself with Brooklyn's green lip-gloss while we were driving.

Here are just a couple pics from the presidential wax museum. It was great; we got a great history lesson too!


A perfect shot of Bradley jumping into the pool at our hotel.

Just in front of the corridor of flags.

Here it comes...............................

The sight which drew us to South Dakota in the first place. It was incredible!

The natural opening for Wind Cave- I can't believe someone actually crawled into this hole and found a cave more than 144 miles long!

The natural opening has an incredible amount of wind either coming or going depending on the barometric pressure. Cool enough to blow your hat off!

"Spelunkers" in training.

Some great pictures of boxwork inside the cave.

Our drive through Custer State Park was beautiful!

We saw wildlife everywhere.

Wild turykeys everywhere. Jon kept lamenting that it wasn't Thanksgiving; he was getting hungry!

The wild burro we fed carrots to. We drove up about 30 feet away from us, and there it came hurrying up the hill to visit.

Jon thought it was funny to pull right up to the other side of the guard rail from this beauty and roll my window down. Wayyyy to close!

Our hotel's swimming pool and slide. We made a nightly ritual of swimming each evening and then eating dinner at about 10:00. (only on vacation ;)

Jon figured out how to take the kids down, hold them up, and walk under water to the edge. Spoiled kids; they didn't even have to get their hair wet!

Emma's boat. She was quite satisfied with it until she realized how much fun the slide was, then she was only happy when on the slide with Dad.

We all had an amazing time at Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, South Dakota. We wore ourselves out good.

Our friend the cobra struck at Brooklyn right through the glass. She laughed until she cried- well, okay, she didn't laugh.....

This was out 'movie star' sighting for the trip. This guy appeared in the movie "Die Another Day."

Emma giving salutations to the iguanas.

Petting the boa constrictor.

Petting the tortoises before we read the "Don't pet the tortoises" sign.

Petting the yellow boa constrictor.

Our snake charmer. The snakes were very responsive as it was the first day Reptile Gardens was open this season.

The only time on the vacation when we had true peace and quiet.