Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Xander Turns 5

I can't believe my sweet little Xander is 5 years old. It seems like yesterday we were in the delivery room and the doctor said it was time to push. I just looked at her and said, "No." Bruce looked at me with surprise and said, "No really, it is time to push." I then looked at the nurse and told her I was serious and I didn't want to push. We went back and forth for a little while and obviously, those not lying down in the bed won. But I was the real winner, because I was blessed with the an amazing, perfect baby, complete with a puckered 'pouty lip', but missing dimples. I remember the first time Landon (age 3) met Xander. He was so excited and in awe. He looked at him as I held him in the hospital bed and snuggled right up to him. Then he sat up and said, 'Where are his piggies?' Landon lifted up Xander's blanket and examined his baby brothers toes with such sweetness. Some things have changed, but it still makes my heart so happy to see my boys loving each other.

What a handsome little boy!
Xander is full of personality. He is friendly, witty, goofy, loving, kind, athletic, smart, and energetic. He give good snuugles, sloppy kisses, and pets me when he wants to be extra sweet. He loves to ride his bike and scooter and has amazing balance. This year he has fallen in love with anything that he can throw, bounce, or kick. His favorite food is shepherd's pie and corn on the cob. He has learned how to read this summer and is working hard at writing all of his numbers and letters. He is a very magical thinker and can't wait until he is old enough to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardery. I am so glad that Xander is part of our family!! Love you Cha-chi

Xander chose an ice cream cake over my homemade cake. It turned out to be a good thing because chemo was really tough this week.

The Zarts were really fun, but they only lasted a day before some one pulled off the fletch.

Ryker, Parker, Landon, Xander, and Tanner.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010

Happy Mother's Day to my mom!
My mom is wise, courageous, strong, kind, thoughtful, spiritual, deep, tough, loyal, trustworthy, faithful, loving, hard working, inspiring, fun, athletic, intelligent, and silly.
I feel honored to be her daughter. My mom has always taught me by example. She has taught me to be a fighter, she has taught me to be faithful, and she has taught me to seek the help of God in my life. What a legacy!
I love you Mom!

My Beautiful flowers from my thoughtful husband and children.

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given to be Landon, Xander, and Ryker's mom. I love my boys with all of my heart. I appreciate who they are and enjoy their individual personalities. They fill my days with projects, outings, stories, laughter, frustration, cleaning, cooking, organizing, playing, snuggles, hugs, adventure, inspiration, and love. They are my hopes and dreams. Along with Bruce, they make my life full and complete. I have been blessed!!

Thanks to all of you who are good examples and inspire me to be a better mom!

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 2010

Salt Lake City Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 2010

Team Jeanel's Treasure Chest

The Stanley Family: Bruce, Jeanel
Landon (7), Xander (4), and Ryker (3)

Xander and Ryker took turns in the stroller and on Daddy's shoulders. Landon ran the race with his cousin Braden. Next time he'll remember to tell us where he is.

Page ran with Carson and Everett in the race in North Carolina.

Rick was on call, but wore a pink shirt to show his support.

We made it to the Finish Line.

Jeanel and Janene
My brother Paul and his wife Amy.

Nieces, Sadie and Jaclyn

Ryker and his 'best cousin' Jaclyn.

The race was awesome and the day was beautiful! It is so hard to describe the love and support that I feel at the race. It is an amazing feeling to know that so many people are fighting the fight together. Thank you to all of my friends and family who ran and walked! We had over 40 people this year. Next year we'll shoot for 100 :)!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Stressful Few Days with a Happy Ending!

On Wednesday I went to my oncologists office for my weekly chemo. I had had a blood draw the week before and was awaiting the results without much anxiety, However, it came back with high alk-phos and low calcium. I had no idea what that meant, but new it wasn't good when the medical assistant put me in a room to talk to the doctor instead of sending me back to the chemo room like usual. I was informed that the blood abnormality was a sign of bone break down or liver problems and a PET scan was ordered for Friday.

On Wednesday night Bruce talked and I yelled. It felt sooo good. At this point I am unable to enjoy any physical outlet because of my energy level and limitations with my right arm after the lymph node dissection. I guess I've been holding a lot of emotion in, but as Bruce can tell you, I got it all out. He was so understanding and such a good sport, and best of all, I felt relieved.
Thursday was a light activity/bed rest day in preparation for the PET scan. My mom helped me organize the kids toys in the basement in the morning which helped me keep my mind occupied, but in the afternoon as I was in bed, the sadness was overwhelming again. At night Bruce and I talked and a sense of urgency came over me that I should stop whining and spend my time being productive in accomplishing my life's work. It was a stark contrast to the way I was feeling, almost like an adrenaline rush had changed my focus.
Wednesday morning came and the PET scan went well. Only one needle stick was required to pump me up with the radioactive juice and I wasn't crazy antsy in the scanner. My sister picked me up from the scan and we went to Costco. I was convinced that the scan was bad, but was happy to be with Suzette. While we were in the check out line at Costco, Bruce called with the amazing and unexpected news that my scan was clean.
Words can't describe how happy I am and how grateful I am for more time, but had the results come back differently my faith would be unchanged because I know that everything is in the Lord's hands. He is mindful of me and my family.
A great big hug and happy cheer for my good news!!!! Thanks for your prayers and help with the boys!!!

Love ya, Jeanel

ps Race for the Cure SLC is May 8th, 8:30am at the Gateway.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beautiful Hawaii

The view from our hotel room lanai.

At the beginning of April Bruce and I enjoyed a wonderful trip to Maui. Bruce feels better if he says it was a business/pleasure trip, but it was really all pleasure. We had amazing weather and had so many 'once in a life-time' experiences. We both really like to explore new places and Hawaii is a great place to do just that. Maui is a beatiful island with every kind of topography from tropical to desert. It was wonderful to experience it's varied beauty from the land (walks and car drives) and from the air (zip line and helicopter ride). Unfortunately pictures don't do it justice, but here are some photos from our trip to paradise.

Bruce on the practice line...

On one of the zip lines (totally over 3 miles) we were able to go backwards.

The view from the top of the tropical plantaion as we waited for our turn to zip.

Bruce as he prepares for the mile-long line.

Jeanel flying through the air.

We enjoyed a day snorkeling tip to this crater (Mo lo kini). The visibility was amazing. We loved the reef and even got to see an octopus. At Turtle Town we swam with green sea turtles.

On the way to and from our snorkeling adventure were entertained by the whales.

The twin falls near the Haleakula volcano.

A cool cave with pristene water. Is that Bruce skinny dipping?

The coast line on the west side of the mountain. Bruce didn't believe that the road could truly be one lane, but we found out the guide book was right. I was scared out of my mind as we drove down the cliff-lined, mostly uninhabited (except by huge cows) side of the island. But it was breath-taking!

We had the most spectacular view during our dinner at Mama's Fish House. The food was so amazing that we practically licked our plates clean.
The Mama's Fish House beach.

We were dazzeled by the sites of paradise in this helicopter and had the good fortune of sitting in front with the pilot.

Volcanic fields.

Blow hole.

Beautiful tide pool with crazy people hoping the ocean doesn't wash them out to sea.

Where did all the people go?

Road tripping.

With a grateful heart I thank Bruce for a wonderful trip, for new memories made, for lots of laughs shared, and for time well spent. I can't imagine anything closer to heaven. Here's to many more!!!

Family Head Shaving

My blog has actually been haunting me for quite some time. Sorry it has been soooo long.

On March 13th we had a family head shaving party at Suzette's. My hair was falling out in clumps and the bald patches were becoming too obvious. Landon and my niece, Alision took turns cutting my hair (nothing to lose) and my nephew, Sam pulled a huge chunk out which left a bald patch the was visible even after the shaving. All of the boys decided to have their heads shaved too. On the up side, it has been so nice not having to do my hair and we don't even have to comb the boys hair!

I'm still not a huge fan of head gear, so I spend most of my time without anything on my head. The boys and Bruce are used to it. My head is either hot or cold, so my scarves and hats come on and off frequently.

Life is good at the Stanley home. We continue contently down our path of 'new normal'. Bruce is 95% better. He is back to a full work load and is able to help around the house again. I finished my 8th chemo treatment and have maintained a good level of energy.

We survived spring break spending a few days at Suzette's house, having fun at Chuck E. Cheese, and attending multiple parties. We all had a great time and I had a glimpse of what summer will be like...

love to you all!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When it Rains...

This past two weeks have been a little crazy around here. It started on Tuesday, 23 February when Bruce tested positive for the swine flu (yes, he did have the shot but to no avail). By Friday he had become so dehydrated and sick that he required IV fluids. The doctor also discovered Bruce had pneumonia, so it was off to the hospital to be admitted. I really thought he would perk up after a day or two, but it was not that easy.

At the same time all three boys came down with a significant cough, my white cell count plummeted from chemo, and I had a weekend course to maintain my occupational therapy license. Thankfully, we had great help from my parents and Sue taking care of the boys while I attempted to limited my exposure to the them, spent some time with Bruce at the hospital, and attended my course on joint replacements.

Bruce was hospitalized for a full week, during which time he has almost 2 liters drained off of his right lung. He returned home on Friday and continues to require oxygen. His energy level is limited, but improving. He is hoping to back to work part-time next week. It is going to take awhile to get back to normal, but he is faithful about doing his breathing exercises and walking on the treadmill.

Although things have been crazy, we have learned valuable things through this reversal in roles. I understand the stress of maintaining the house and single parenting, while worrying about Bruce's well-being and he understands how difficult it is to feel sick, have no energy, and wish that you could help take care of our family. If anything, we have a greater appreciation for each other. So all though this has been a challange, it has also been a blessing.

Chemotherapy continues. 3 down, who knows how many to go. I have been tolerating it pretty well. It hasn't made me too sick, but my energy is starting to go and my blood counts are very low. I've required shots to boost my counts in order to continue treatment. It is discouraging and I pray that my body will be strengthened in this fight. My hair started to fall out about 5 days ago and each day it get worse, but so far I'm the only one who can tell.

All in all, we are doing well. The boys are happy and no worse for the wear. We are happy and on the mend. We are grateful for all of your help and prayers.
