This year we had a wonderful Stanley Family Thanksgiving at Bruce's brother's house in Mountain Green. There were 31 people, including 99 year-old Grandma Green. Brooke did an outstanding job hosting, providing tasty food and a festive atmosphere. The adults enjoyed lovely conversation and beautiful music, while the cousins had a great time playing together.
The following day we attended a house-warming party at my parent's newly renovated home in Layton, UT (about 10 minutes from us). 22 of us gathered to enjoy their new home, good eats, and treasured family-time. We missed Rick and his family, but look forward to seeing them at Christmas.

This is a special time of year that we have the opportunity to take some time to not only count our blessings, but be truly grateful for them. Last Sunday in church I learned a new way to look at my life and be grateful, even for things that I might not always think of as blessings. Here are some of the things I have thought about:
I am grateful for laundry because it means my kids have clothes to wear.
I am grateful for dishes because it means we have food to eat.
I am grateful for my husband being gone because it means he has a job and can support our family.
I am grateful for picking up because it means my kids have toys to play with.
I am grateful for feeling a little sick after my treatment because it means I have modern medicine to help fight the cancer.
I am grateful for the noise in my house because it means I have three little boys to love.
I am grateful for the door that is left open because it means my boys have a safe place to play.
I am grateful for the price tag at the pump because it means I have a car to drive.
I am grateful for balancing holiday time with our families because it means my husband was raised by loving parents.
I am grateful for the alarm clock because it means I need to go to the gym to take care of myself.
I am grateful for the toothpaste on the counter because it means some must have made it onto their toothbrush.
I am grateful for my monthly trips to Seattle because it means I get to spend time with someone I love while hopefully keeping my cancer at bay.
Things in our life may not always be how we would like, but we have the opportunity to find the bright side and let it be our focus. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
I count you as one of my blessings!
Love, Jeanel