Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little Baby

 Randy and I had our first ultrasound and doctor's appointment at our new office since switching doctors and we couldn't be happier!  Today was life changing; seeing my little baby's heart beat for the first time was incredible.  The baby is due anytime between January 5-7, 2012 and  found out that I am a little farther along that we originally thought, nearly 7 weeks.  I was also given some medication for my nausea and vomiting which has been pretty intense so far, so I am looking forward to taking the new meds.  I have added some pictures of the baby that were taken today.  We have another ultrasound in 2 weeks and I will update my blog again then.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby on the way

Randy and I recently found out that we are expecting our first baby and we are very excited!  I am six weeks pregnant and feeling pretty sick most days.  We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday where we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time.  We have found a great doctors office with a great doctor and nurse, so we are very pleased with that.  I will update everybody with more exciting news as it happens :)