
Baby P update

Well a lot has happened since my last post. We found out we were pregnant with #3! Yay! Our newest addition should arrive close to June 29th. We've had our first sonogram and we saw a strong heartbeat and blobby baby!!

Parker and Peyton are so excited, they each want a boy (Parker) and a girl (Peyton) and can't wait for the baby to arrive! Knowing this is the last baby makes it even more special, Jeremy and I are rereading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and loving the fact that we have a in-family OB available for questions 24/7! Love you Dr. Mitchell!!

I am surrounded by several loving friends who are all making me feel very special! I had one friend tell me this felt like 'we were all having this baby' and she made me tear up! I love my girls, they are all so special to me and I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!



Day Five...Four or Five days to go!

Jeremy is on his annual Mule Deer hunting trip this week and man am I ready for him to be home! This is the view he is waking to each morning

And this is what he's hunting, well the boy version anyhow, he's already got his doe.

I wish he'd shoot this darn thing already and hurry home!


Fall is in the air...

School is back in session and I actually have a minute or two to myself again! I spent the morning with a sweet friend trolling the aisles of Hobby Lobby in hopes of copying the mantle I saw in Southern Living this month combined with a table I saw in Pottery Barn Kids. Here's what I came up with.

I think it turned out pretty cute! I bought FOUR bags of gourds and besides decorating one other bowl in the house used every single one on the mantle!

Here are my "inspiration" pieces:
This was in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog, I really wanted the Glass Bell Domes to complete the look, but couldn't find any in my price range. Maybe next year!

This was the main inspiration, I will be on the hunt for some more gourds and silver julep glasses like the ones the smaller gourds are in this weekend!


Top Cat, Charlie and the big 3-0 (for hubs)

Parker was designated "Top Cat" for this week, which means he must have been a very good boy last week at school! What better reason for a photo shoot! This one Jeremy took and it is my absolute fave.

Then there's this one that totally captures Peyton's mischievous spirit!

Peyton also got to bring Charlie home from school to care for over the weekend. Luckily nowadays the "creatures" sent home are for the most part stuffed. Here are some pics from Charlie's weekend with The Smiths.


Lazy Saturday Morning

On our way to Gigi's to watch The Longhorns play.

It was a busy weekend! Between Charlie, making Parker's poster, partying at Gigi's to celebrate the hub's and Jordan's big 3-0 and all our Sunday church festivities we were all wiped out by Sunday night!


The Pumpkins are Coming!

We went with our friends The Speer's to the Owen's Pumpkin Patch yesterday. I think the last time we went to this patch Parker was a little younger then Peyton is now.

Here's a pic of him from that visit...he was soooo tiny!!

We had a great time! The kids got to feed animals, ride the hayride, ride the barrel train, see lots of animals and of course pick out pumpkins! Peyton thinks she's a big kid so we spent half the time holding our breath as she attempted the same stunts Parker and Crisslynne did. Crazy Girl!

Ready for the train ride!

Parker and Crisslynne on the hay ride, the sang the whole time!

The animals were very gentle, but stinky. :)

Look MOM! I have food!!

How many pumpkins can I get?

SO handsome.

Peyton would pick up a pumpkin, hug it, then throw it down. Not sure what kind of munchkin ritual that is.

Keeping up with "Cisslinn" as she calls her.

Petting the pony.

Yeah, they are both Sooners, but we keep Starr and Brett around anyway.

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Just what I needed.

A friend posted this today, I needed this more than ever!

Mom's Prayer On the First Day (and every day) of School

Here we are again, Lord. Their backpacks are loaded
and their faces are scrubbed and their lunch accounts
are full.

And I know you'll walk with them, Lord. You always
do. But a mom still has to ask.

Will You walk with them? Will You whisper to them
what they need to hear, when I'm not there to whisper

Will You please, oh please, cover their school with
the protection only You can give, and will You keep
harm far away?

Will You make their minds strong and ready to learn?
Will You help them understand that hard work honors
the One who created them?

Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience
and wisdom and creativity and more patience? Will You
bless them for their efforts?

Will You love all those children there, the ones whose
lunch accounts aren't full, the ones who feel alone?
Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish
and to love those who are different from them?

Will You point them back toward home just as soon as
you can?

Lord, I give them to You today and everyday, trusting
them to Your care.


First day of Kinder!

Parker started kindergarten today! He was SUPER excited, we even got a middle of the night visit from him, he was so anxious! Here are some pics from today.

Parker is ready to go!

C'mon Mom!

Gigi and Papa J came in town to see him off!

Walking to school.

We ran into his friend Aubree.

We walked the rest of the way with her and her parents.

Parker's teacher, Mrs. Hickman!

Putting his backpack and lunch away.


We are counting down the minutes until 2:45, miss you Parkerman! We love you!


The night before kindergarten...

Last night we were blessed with both sets of grandparents and one set of great grandparents coming over for dinner, along with Aunt Juju and Uncle Dewey (Peyton's favorite person right now). Besides Peyton trying to talk Jordan and Dewey into taking her home with them, it was a fun night!!

We will definitely need to instill some humility into Parker, he wanted to make sure that everyone toasted to him last night in honor of him starting Kindergarten. OH my... He also made sure to thank me about 10 times for hosting "His Party". I think he was a little excited!

Gigi and Papa J (Sherry and Jim) brought him the most amazing book titled "The Night Before Kindergarten" and read it to him, the best part was when all the parents were crying and the kids were excited. I think this is tougher on me than it is on Parker. He is thrilled to be a big kid!


Big Changes!!

Parker starts school on MONDAY!! I can't believe our baby boy is growing up so fast!

We had Meet the Teacher on Friday night. Parker has his own locker! He gets to start out the new year with a friend in class, Crisslynne!! You can see her locker right beside his arm, on the lower level. What a blessing to have someone he already knows in class with him. The theme his teacher chose for his room, MONKEYS! Our little monkey is going to be in a room with so many Monkeys around him!

This morning we went to breakfast with his Aunts to celebrate his big day and his grandparents are coming over for dinner Sunday night for dinner. Gigi and Papa J are coming up to take him to school on Monday with Mommy, Daddy and Peyton.

Check back for pictures and maybe a video Monday morning for Parker's big day!!


Spring/Summer Hiatus

WOW it's been a long time! We are approaching 3 weeks before Parker, our little man enters Kindergarten! I can't believe he's growing up so fast! I hope that once school starts up I will have time to blog and get this crazy casa in order!

More to come...


Welcome to our blog! Raising two kiddos can be fun, difficult and always funny. There's Parker, the easy going older brother and Peyton, the high maintenance princess. Join us as we head down this path striving to raise our children to be responsible, intelligent, polite and faithful; all while following God's path for us.