The Waking
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I cannot go.
We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.
Light takes the Tree, but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.
This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.
--Theodore Roethke
Joy's Updates - Straight from the Horse's Mouth.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - In what movie does Julia Roberts play the love-struck housemaid to Dr. Henry Jekyll, aka Mr. Hyde? [and not such a good movie] 2. TV - What Michelle Pfeiffer movie was turned into a 1996 ABC series starring Annie Potts? [I watched it] 3. MUSIC - What was Europe's biggest hit in the US? [somehow I never heard of it] 4. SPORTS & GAMES - Which starting positions for baseball's All-Star Game are selected by managers, not fans? 5. BUZZ - What household chore has Kirsten Dunst professed her love for? [I'm sure we all know this one ... not!] 6. FAD - What was Spawn's original name before he died and became Spawn? [and what is he in, a comic book or what?]
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - Who was the first person in history to be declared an honorary veteran, by presidential decree? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What was the name of the 1997 music festival devoted to female pop singers? 9. HISTORY - What clause allowed the waiving of literacy requirements in some southern states for those whose forefathers voted before the Civil War? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What was introduced into gasoline by Mobil in 1956? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What did ancient Olympic athletes usually wear during competition? 12. WILD CARD - What was the popular title of the 1948 book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male?
1:24:00 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Some Things Don't Change
Like me ... like my procrastinating! The end-of-school-year stress seems even worse this year because I've had a short-timer's attitude and have procrastinated big time with the paper grading. I don't recommend this for other retirees. Now I'm pretty sure I'll be up all night finishing this. I'm frazzled and in a bit of a panic, so I'll get off of the computer and get back to work. It's been pretty steady for a while now. Whew!!
7:37:00 PM
What's in a Name?
A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but it would have identity issues. I've been thinking about names since I had a different one for a while when I was married. You know, how people ask, "Who was she before she married?" Does that mean we lose our identities when we marry? Taking a man's last name happens to us all. We get our father's last name when we are born if our parents are married and sometimes if not. Have there ever been any women's last names that weren't defined in some way by men in the history of civilization? Just wondered.
7:25:00 PM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I think I can. I think I can. Just a little more to go until the finish line. Stressed. Frantic. Tired.
5:22:00 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What does Col. Jessup think Lt. Kaffee can't handle? 2. TV - What was the expensive sequel to the miniseries The Winds of War? [some bad acting in these] 3. MUSIC - What R&B singer was paralyzed after a 1990 on-stage accident? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What quarterback is the great-great-grandson of Brigham Young? 5. BUZZ - What actor appeared in black face at a Friar's roast for Whoopi Goldberg? 6. FAD - What treat saw its popularity jump in 1982, thanks to its use in E. T.? [not for me but I did cry when I thought E.T. was dead]
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What chess master defaulted the world championship title in 1975 after refusing to accept International Chess Federation rules? [those chess bad boys!] 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What series of children's books was created by Jean de Brunhoff? 9. HISTORY - What is the name of New York's Kennedy airport before there was a John F. Kennedy? [I remember] 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What is the name of the center-most stone at the top of an arch? [learned this in art history] 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What sport did Scotland ban in 1437 in order to refocus men's attention on archery practice? [this is pretty funny] 12. WILD CARD - What river's flow was turned around so sewage from the city would flow to St. Louis instead of Lake Michigan? [how do they do that and what did St. Louis do in retaliation?]
10:44:00 AM
The End is Near
But no, I didn't always do it my way. To an extent I did, but censored myself to fit in as much as possible and to keep my job. Anyway, we have another week and few days of school. Graduation is May 28, and the last day for us is June 1. We start Credit Recovery for the kids who want to make up courses June 2 from 8-1 every day until July 2. I'll have all my hours in for extended contract before then and even though my retirement date is June 28, I'll be finished before then. Kim and I will work out our schedules, but my last day there will be June 24 or earlier. I don't think retirement will really sink in until fall when everyone goes back to school, and Rachel and I will not be there. I'm glad we're retiring at the same time and can do things during the day together. I'm looking forward to that and to spending time with the grandchildren, family, and friends. I can read for pleasure again, too!
10:36:00 AM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Great News!
My friend Jackie Jonas will present her original storytelling show at the Renaissance Center August 20. Mark your calendars and save your money, so you can go. It's called Middle Passage and is in two parts. In the first act, Jackie tells African stories and features drummers. The second act highlights slave stories and a church choir. It's possible that the Fisk Jubliee Singers could perform with her. It will be worth the time and money for you to see this. I'll remind you closer to the date. I saw her perform this program in Pittsburgh where she lives now and was moved to tears. I'm so proud of her and am thrilled for her to be able to do her show in her hometown.
Jackie Weaver Jonas was in the early learning years of the DCHS Forensics Team and was a valuable member. We've stayed in touch and have been friends a long time.
10:06:00 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Lost weekends aren't what they used to be. I remember when staying in bed for days involved much more fun than sleeping, watching TV, and sleeping some more. The end-of-school stress got to me, and I don't push on like I once did. Retirement is coming along at the right time. I wouldn't mind some more of those long-lost weekends but would certainly have to pace myself.
7:43:00 PM
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Let's try these and see if they are not as hard.
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - In The Graduate, what one-word field is Benjamin (Dustin Hoffman) urged to go into by a family friend? 2. TV - Who was the only Mary Tyler Moore Show regular never to be nominated for an Emmy? 3. MUSIC - What 1978 Police album translated from the French as Outlaws of Love? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What former major league baseball slugger is nicknamed the "Crime Dog"? 5. BUZZ - Who did Nicholas Cage marry on August 16, 2002? 6. FAD - What toy features a brightly-colored sphere with hundreds of rubber offshoots?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What country encompasses the north face of Mr. Everest? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What long-legged actress played the part of "Sam," Richard Diamond's private secretary? 9. HISTORY - What prompted more than a million Irish to immigrate to the United States in the 1840s? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What deep-diving, toothed whale was portrayed in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - What water sport has teams of eleven, with only seven on a side being allowed in the water at one time? 12. WILD CARD - What company name did the Minnesota Valley Canning Company adopt after the jolly success of a character used for one of its products? Bonus: What Asian seaport nation forbids the sale of chewing gum? [I thought this was interesting and something we all needed to know]
1:51:00 PM
Friday, May 13, 2005
Fonda Changes
This new movie Monster-in-Law Jane Fonda is in with Jennifer Lopez is getting really bad reviews, not surprisingly. The trailers were silly and made me not want to watch it. I've seen Jane Fonda on some talk shows promoting it and her book. I noticed a long time ago how she goes through various changes depending on the men in her life (Barbarella, Hanoi Jane, Fitness Queen, Rancher Wife, and on it goes). Now she's a born-again Christian which she said contributed to her divorce from Ted Turner since he doesn't have much patience with all that. Mostly I've noticed how brittle and strident she seems now and is so serious about this transition just as she has been about all the other ones. I just wish she would go through them quietly and not subject us to all this.
I get tired of all these rehab and born-again types who get all this publicity and attention for turning their lives around. What about those of us who have done pretty well all along? We might have made a few detours and taken the scenic route now and then, but we don't advertise it and expect all kinds of attention for pulling out of a quagmire that was apparently fun for them for a while or whatever. Please.
10:12:00 PM
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Thanks to Chris for this link. OK, I've been teaching teenagers for a long time and think it's funny.
8:24:00 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Hey! Wake up!
Why isn't anyone answering the quiz? You remind me of my students when I ask a question and they just sit there. Don't make me come over there!
6:54:00 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005
Mother's Day
Mother and I went to Kathy's yesterday for Mother's Day and had the best time. I was hoping Brian, Melissa, and Brendan would go, too, but they weren't able to. Maybe another time. That would be so good to have them both with me on Mother's Day and all the grandchildren. I'm sure it will happen sometime. It was also a celebration for Kari's and Mark's birthdays since they have all be so involved with ball games on weekends that they didn't have a time they could do it. Kathy gave Mother and me the most beautiful hanging baskets of double petunias. After lunch we went to the Signal Mtn. Nursery to see the plants. I got a couple of geraniums for the patio, and Mother got Kathy two Boston ferns for her front porch. Mother said she'd take my flowers and the one Janelle gave me for Teacher of the Year home with her, so they'll stay alive until school is out. I didn't know about pinching the dead blooms off petunias and put mine I got last year in jeopardy. This way they should survive.
7:53:00 PM
The Planet Fits!
Well, this certainly sounds about right! What can I say? I got the quiz from Chris.
You Are From Mercury |

You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows. You probably never leave home without your cell phone! You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you. You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer. Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything.
7:46:00 PM
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Answers are posted in the Squawkbox comment place.
from the Pop Culture Edition of Trivial Pursuit ...
1. MOVIE - What 1994 Oliver Stone-directed crime thriller was based on a story by Quentin Tarantino? 2. TV - What branch of the armed forces was Major Dad part of? 3. MUSIC - What Wham! member released his solo album Son of Albert in 1990? 4. SPORTS & GAMES - What U.S. city is home to the International Tennis Hall of Fame? 5. BUZZ - What country did Alanis Morisette start her life and career in? 6. FAD - What House is Harry Potter a member of?
from the "Know-It-All" Edition ...
7. PEOPLE & PLACES - What former U.S. President ran on the Progressive "Bull Moose" party ticket and got more votes than the Republican candidate for president? 8. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT - What is the Chinese name for the Book of Changes? 9. HISTORY - What city and state marked the start of the Oregon Trail? 10. SCIENCE & NATURE - What ancient water-raising device is attributed to a Greek mathematician born in 287 B.C.? 11. SPORTS & LEISURE - Which youthful conqueror was given a polo stick to celebrate his eastern conquests? 12. WILD CARD - What Jewish dietary law prohibits the eating of meat and dairy products during the same meal?
2:35:00 PM
Friday, May 06, 2005
The Boy
Brendan's second birthday was celebrated Saturday, April 23, at Edwin Warner Park in Nashville. He loves being outside and was in his element despite the cold which he doesn't seem to notice. Melissa's mother and father were there as well as several of Brian and Melissa's friends with their children. Mother, Butch, Andy, Angela, and Carter came, too. It was lots of fun. I will get some photos in the album as soon as possible. Melissa baked her first cake for the occasion. It was sort of like a brownie with lots of frosting since she didn't read the instructions too closely. It tasted good.
5:50:00 PM
Horn Tooting
The quiz will return this weekend. It's the end of school, and blogging slows down considerably at that time. Aha!! "That time" has now become "this last time" which makes me giddy with retirementitis. How too, too exciting!
The DCEA teacher's banquet was Monday night, and I was honored to be elected High School Teacher of the Year. I appreciate it and am amazed. Brian said it was a Lifetime Achievement Award. There is an article in the Dickson Herald about the recipients in elementary, middle, and high school. One of my former students, Marilyn Wade, won for middle school. She's such a neat person and good teacher.
5:08:00 PM