Showing posts with label AF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AF. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

Guess who just showed up....


And I'm still BFing! Kaua is almost 9 months old (in about 1 more week). She has just showed, not a full on flow, only spotting. I've been feeling crampy off and on for about a month now and have been wondering if she was going to show....guess she's hereeeeeeee! I'm not sure how I feel about this....mostly excited at the prospect of potentially being fertile again, somewhat nostolgic at the loss of being period free, somewhat nervous at thoughts of going through a MC (though mostly I'm pushing that out of my head and thinking positive), and thoughts I ready to be pregnant again???? Yikes! I dunno. It might be too early to have another kid...we dont even have our own place yet....I haven't even nailed down a job yet....

Well i admit, I am getting a little ahead of myself. I have a feeling pregnancy wont come until we start TTC again, which i dont think we'll be doing until we're more settled, but I must be honest and admit that I wouldn't be upset if I had a surprise BFP.....

Monday, November 17, 2008

First period funkiness

I'm still experiencing my first AF since the D&C. It's been very unusual, but then again, I was warned that it would be unusual. Here's a brief synopsis of the symptoms (in case anyone else is currently going through this and is curious):

2 days of spotting - very very lightly (more brownish discharge-like than actual period)
2 days of a very light flow (it seemed as if AF would start for a teeny bit, stop for a few hours, then start up again for a teeny bit, but there was definitely red blood and not just brownish discharge)
1 day of a medium flow - a definite need to wear a tampon
1 day of a very heavy flow - (woke up and darn it needed to change the bed sheets! Haven't had to do that since I was a teen!)
2nd day of medium to heavy flow (haven't had any "accidents" but definite need to change the tampons every 2-3 hours, again not the norm for me).

So far I have only had fairly mild cramping (just now, which prompted this blog) and on Friday (first day of medium flow). I'm hoping there is an end to this bleeding soon. I'm pretty over having AF.

T-minus 2 days until the big doctor's appointment where we discuss my fibroid situation.

Friday, November 14, 2008

False false alarm - AF is here

AF is here but very light. It's weird...I had v. light spotting on Tues. afternoon and Wed., and it stopped yesterday AM. Then it started back up as a v. light flow last night around 6pm. This morning, I woke up and it had stopped over the night and then started back up very light at about 8am. I do know that the first AF can be ususual, and hey, this is as unusual as it gets.

I know, this is way more information than you need or want regarding AF --- and it is rather boring. You know when your life is pretty dull when the highlight of your blog is your AF starting and stopping. Sheesh!

I just wanted to send a shout out to my virtual friend Antonia who has recently received the news that she is having a boy!! Nathan Alexander. She and I were belly buddies and were due the same week (or was it day?). She's been an angel and still checks in on me often, even though, I'm currently Sans Belly at the moment. Not for long though, if I can help it (getting a belly that is). I plan to get right back on that TTC train as soon as I'm cleared by the doc once we deal with this fibroid. And Antonia -- dont sweat it about the anniversary. It was wonderful and we really enjoyed ourselves! =)

Ok back to that work thing they pay me for.........

Thursday, November 13, 2008

False alarm - no AF yet

The spotting I saw is gone today. WTH!??? it's a good thing I'm not able to start TTC anyway due to the fibroid or I'd be going bananas. I'm also glad I have that doctor's appt. next wednesday to discuss the fibroid...I can ask about the lack of AF. Tomorrow it will be 7 weeks since the D&C and no AF. Ack!!!!

Good news is - according to the "oh so scientific" sperm meets egg website ( (where I go for all of my info for the recovery after a mc) - this could still be my first period. Spotting for a couple days, stop, then heavier bleeding is a normal first period after a mc. Also according to this website, I may not actually see AF for another week or so since I actually didn't start bleeding from the D&C until 1 week after the surgery was done.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spotting 49 days post D&C - Could this be AF???

It started yesterday - 48 days after my D&C surgery - exactly 6 weeks and 4 days. I saw pinkish discharge on the TP when I wiped. Later, it turned into brown. I put on a panty liner - and yup, there is still some slight brownish discharge. I'm calling it "spotting" on my FF chart. I feel funky down there, but then again, every since my 2nd PG, I've been "funky" down there. Oh, I hope, hope, hope, this is AF, making her way back.

Before last friday, AF's arrival would be a major cause for celebration. My normal OBGYN, whom I'll call Dr. B (no not me, I'm just plain ole B), said I could start TTC after AF arrives. I have been looking forward to this date in the hopes that I would get another BFP before Christams. But then, since last Friday, I now know that I have a submucosal fibroid, and know that I probably will be advised against getting PG again until after this fibroid is treated. Who knows when that will be or how long I'll have to wait again. =( So, should AF be arriving soon, she will be met with just a small cheer - a sigh of relief that my body, is hopefully getting back to normal.

You know, this will be my very first period since May! The last two bleedings I have had were all mcs. Yes, that's a very depressing thought, I know.

In exactly 1 week, I will be meeting with Dr. B. We will be discussing all of my options regarding treating the fibroid. Of course, this has not stopped me from doing my own "google research" to learn about my options beforehand. In fact, if it weren't for my obsessive googlination (I believe this is a term invented by KuKd Monica) we probaby would not have discovered this fibroid until after perhaps another loss (or more!!). That is one of the questions/irritations I have with Dr.B. I have always been the one to ask for additional tests and care, and feel that if I were not so proactive in my own research and requests for test, I may be still in the dark about my MCs. While I have stuck with Dr. B b/c she has decent bedside manner, seems competent and has been my OBGYN for over 6 years, I have thoughts of switching healthplans (currently, I'm a KP member), but am reluctant to go through the hassle. Is this normal? My mother, (who is not a health care professional I must admit), said she believes this lack of proactive care is generally routine with most typical healthcare providers, and because my mom is older and wiser and is usually right, I believe her. However, what do you guys think? How has it been for you and your healthcare providers. I dont know if I should seek out a specialist, b/c I'm not sure if my case is considered "special" yet........ I guess that's another question for Dr. B.