Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break ... and Updates

For all of you wonderful patient peoples out there in the world today, I haven't forgotten about actually coming out about my baby's sex! This isn't a picture of my ultra sound, just a random google find that I thought was a pretty good representation of what our beautiful baby looked like during our ultra sound.

So... the dish! It's a GIRL! Surprise! :) I'm pretty pumped. One of each to keep me busy and satisfied for the next couple of years before we ever mention having a child again. And seriously... I wouldn't count on me going for a third child for like three or five years! HAHA! Her name is... not telling! But we do have a name for her. I actually refer to her by her name already but I've got to keep it on the dow- low so no random stranger steals it. Wouldn't that just start a fire in your pants? I know I'd go ape crazy! :) Niiice.

Anywho. There is a concern about her growth right now and I'm trying not to dwell on it. I'm selling my Britney Spears ticket to one of my BFF's friends so she can still go w/o me. I'm trying to focus primarily on gaining healthy weight (as if I REALLY need to ... really. ) and just keep my nutrition and health up to par because she's a little small. The health care over on this side of the mountains is so different from Dr. Herman in Ellensburg... WHOM I MISS INCREDIBLY! Best doctor in the world! LOL! The doctor and radiologist have me going in for a second ultra sound to measure her growth rate. I know... at least I get more pictures out it, right? Aiden was almost 9 pounds (8 lbs. 13 oz.) so having a smaller baby may just be a treat for me. I wouldn't be pushing for 3 hours again. (HOPEFULLY!!!) So right now we are a little concerned, but we pray for our little baby girl every night and know that everything will be fine. The doctors are just being cautious... right?

On a happier note! Aiden's hair got absolutely massacred by my mom a week ago, and we had an emergency run to Super Cuts! My sister had an absolute HAY DAY playing and taking pictures with Aiden when we came to Moses Lake this weekend. Isn't he just getting SOO big? My heart is like BREAKING at how old he looks. *Sigh! At least he's handsome! HAHA!