Sunday, August 06, 2006

Our Temple Marriage

All my life, I've looked forward to getting married in the Temple, the House of God. Temples are some of the most holy and sacred places on earth. By the priesthood power of God, marriages in the Temple are "for time and all eternity"--not just "til death do you part." On August 25th, after we are sealed together, not even death can seperate us, and so our eternal family begins. Jose and I will be married literally forever, and our children will be united with us eternally. It is such a blessing to know that the Lord has restored the fulness of His Gospel to make such comforting truths possible.

Choosing The Invitations

After much searching, we finally found the "perfect" invitations. For those of you guys who have yet to go through the process of picking out the "perfect" invitations, its not as easy as it sounds... so good luck and have fun!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Hello everyone! For those of you I have yet to meet, I wanted to take a moment to briefly introduce myself. My name is Jose Hernandez and am the youngest of five children. I spent the first half of my life growing up in San Fernando, California, and the better half in Beaverton, Oregon. I had the distinct privilage of serving as a missionary in the Pennyslvania Harrisburg Mission, and am currently back at Brigham Young University studying psychology. After over four and a half years of dating (three of those spent thousands of miles apart while serving Church Missions), we are once again back together, and finally getting married! Truly good things come to those who wait.


Hello Friends! For those of you who don’t know me yet, I was born and raised in the great state of Oklahoma. I have an amazing family which consists of my parents, two brothers, and 3 sisters. I recently returned home from a mission in San Antonio, TX, and will return back to BYU this fall. Four years ago I was blessed to meet the man of my dreams, Jose. I am so excited for our marriage and I can’t wait to start our life together.


Hello Friends and Family! Welcome to our Engagement Blog! As we have been thinking about what we could do to stay connected with our friends and family through the often stressful but always rewarding engagement process, we decided to turn to the world wide web. We look forward to sharing in this once in a lifetime experience with each and everyone of you! We hope to hear from you as well--so feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or advice for us as we experience this exciting time in our lives. We love you and will keep you posted!