Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hallie then (One month old)...

Hallie Now (9 months old)

Hallie didnt want to let go of Pluto. She LOVED Disneyland!

Hallie thought it was so funny when the waves would come up and splash her. Here she is with Daddy and her cousin Tyler.

The result of having so much fun. Check out all the sand covering her.

A Summer to Remember

This summer has been great. We have had a lot of changes happening in our little family. The first change has been to my waistline. That's right we are so excited to welcome a second little one into our family in December. I am about 20 weeks into my 40 week expansion project. I feel big but I know from experience that the little active bump is nothing compaired to being 40 weeks pregnant. The second change has been with Hallie Mai. She is growing up SO fast and is 9 months old already. She loves to help out in the kitchen by crawling as fast as she can to take everything out of the cabinets, drawers and dishwasher while I am busy putting it all away. She just got her first two teeth last week. She makes me laugh all day and I love the time I have with the little social butterfly. The third major change is that we purchased our first home. We bought a new townhouse in centerville and we love it! The extra space is great. We have just been busy getting it all put together. I will post some pictures soon. Hallie has enjoyed it also. She especially likes going swimming at the neighborhood pool across the street.

We have also been able to enjoy some much needed family vacations. First with the Treu side earlier this month to California where we enjoyed Disneyland and the beach for a week with all of my brothers and sisters and their families. It has been forever since we have all been together and we all loved it. This past weekend we were able to go to Park City with Jordan's family. We wanted sometime together before we say goodbye to Jordan's brother Ryan his wife Liz and their adorable girls Sarah and two week old Abigail they are headed to Med School in Pitsburg and Jordans little Bro Chris who just recieved his mission call today (he opens it tonight).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog Blunders

I have been told for sometime now that I need a blog. So with the help of my good friend Kristi Cooplaw (by help I mean she created the blog for me) I have one. Since then it’s been up to me to actually write something. There is where the problems start. What to write? I have always said that I didn’t have a whole lot that others would find interesting to write about & when I do, I do not have an interesting way of saying it. Then there is the problem of actually finding enough time to sit down at the computer and figure the blogger out. So with all of the “I guess ya had to be there” moments, me being not as clever or witty as the average blogger and time constraints it has taken me sometime to actually post anything. But in an effort to keep up with good friends I am going to attempt blogging. I’m sure I will not be writing everyday but at least I have started.
Since we had Hallie people have told me to just write about everything going on with her and that “there is always something to say when you have kids”. SO…
All things Hallie
Hallie Mai is four months old. She is the joy of our lives. We sometimes wonder what we did for entertainment before we had her. We can spend hours just playing and laughing with her. She has such a fun personality and becomes more and more social everyday. Some of Hallie’s favorite things include: slobbering all over her Dad (I must say that I get a kick out of that one too), her blanket and binky, rolling around on her mat, playing with her toys especially ones that hang above her, playing with mom’s fingers and spending time with family. We are so grateful to have a happy healthy baby.