Wow! I can't believe it's been a year!! We had so much fun at her party! Had a really good turn out and are so thankful for everyone's support! Savannah really wasn't feeling well but was a good sport. Here are some things that Savannah does:
*She says,"Mamma, dadda, doggie(and signs it), and a whole lot of other giberish.
* She crawls like a mad woman. She will stand on her own but isn't quite confident to walk alone yet.
*She blows kisses,gives kisses, gives loves(to everyone and all of her dolls) Waves bye
* Gets into EVERYTHING
* Can drink from a cup or through a straw but prefers a bottle still.
* Weighs just about 18lbs and is close to 31 inches long.
* Eats most everything we do but loves,loves,loves her yogurt!
That's all off the top of my head,although I'm sure there's more! Here are some pictures and video of her birthday party and that day. We are so thankful for her. She is such a blessing and a challenge at times but I wouldn't have it any other way!!