Sunday, May 27, 2012

May in review.

 May started out with the 5th (?) annual Cinco de Mustache.  Jordan of course did not disappoint.

Tate played soccer again and still loves it.  He would never let me get a picture so here's the back of him.

I've loved seeing him evolve these past 2 years.  In the beginning he was scared and would never go in for the ball, and now he loves to get dirty and score as much as he can!

 Tate had the cutest Mother's Day program at school.  They sang some great songs and had written things about their mom's.....apparently he thinks I look pretty when I wear clothes.  As opposed to when I run around naked all the time??  And he loves me because I make him vacuum.  He's so funny.
 He also finished his first year of preschool last week!  He's really come a long way and we will always love his teacher Mrs. Hopkin for that!
Couldn't leave out Miss Moo!  She has been busy getting filthy every single day.  She loves nothing more than to just sit and play in the dirt and throw it in her hair.

Which is why I couldn't be more happy to get our grass in!  Jord's been working hard these past few weeks to get the backyard ready, and now it's done!  So hopefully the kids can play more on the grass than getting muddy all the time.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Story of my Life...

All I wanted was a cute picture of the kids.  This is what I got and I realized, this picture depicts my life lately.  Tate antagonizing Marley to death with an innocent face like "who me?" and Marley freaking out crying and being dramatic.  ALL DAY EVERY DAY, I MIGHT LOSE MY MIND.