Sunday, November 27, 2011


Because two binkies are always better than one:)

Miss Moo is now one and a half and still only 7% for weight, but 75% for height! Tall and skinny! She is a sassy and bossy little thing, she knows that she is the queen of the house. Feeding her is the most un-fun thing in the world, she eats nothing. Well, except oreos, but I don't know if that even counts...
Her favorite person in the whole world is Tate, even though he teases her to death. The second she wakes up she asks "where's Tate?" and will follow him everywhere, and copy everything he does. Marley loves shoes and will put on any pair she can find laying around, even Jordan's. I love that she is really starting to talk, you can actually understand what she says, it's not just all jibberish! Her favorite shows right now are Peppa Pig (weird) and Little Bear. Mar is a good little player, she can entertain herself very well and it's fun to watch her play. But she is very mischievous and likes to get into trouble too. She's very good at making messes and breaking things! She's my sweetie and a good snuggler, I love my little Sis!


Tate doing his famous Utes sign, he does this in like every picture

I've really slacked lately on blogging, which sucks, because this is my only journal. So I figure I'll do a post about each kid so I know what's going on with them right now!
Tate is getting much better these days about bad behavior. He still definitely has his moments, but overall he's acting a lot better! And it's nice, I can actually enjoy him and have fun with him now instead of just wishing it was bedtime:) He loves preschool, every day he asks if he has school, and how many minutes until we can go. Tate loves to color and draw. I'm obviously biased, but he's really good at it too. I love seeing his drawings because they are so cute and it makes me laugh! He's still a busy body; he would always be on the go if he could. Every day he asks where we're going and if we can play at grandma's, or Meg's or somewhere. But he really loves going to Hailey's (or as Tate says "Heh-wees") to play with her, they are the best of friends. He is a huge tease and just can't leave Marley alone! He loves to bug her and irritate her, just like a big brother I guess. But he can be really sweet and protective of her too. He is funny and silly just like his dad! Every day he cracks me up, it's been a crazy but fun 4 years!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween was so fun this year, because Tate really got it and loved it. He loved decorating the house, and basically wore his costume all month. He was a Utes football player and Marley was his cheerleader. And it was great because he really wanted to trick-or-treat, so he went with his cousins Jake and Addie in their neighborhood. Brooke took him for over an hour! It was awesome.Tate with his teacher Mrs. Hopkin at his school party
On Sunday we carved pumpkins, Tate was so excited because we let him carve his own this year...

He did a pretty good job!
Marley painting her pumpkin...although she loved coming over to "help" me with mine. She just loved putting her hands in all the goo
I love that every year Jord dresses up for work, it always gives me a good laugh. This year he was Nacho LibreMy football player and cheerleader...this is the best shot I could get
Grandma Kathy had cute Utes stickers and Mar thought it was so cool to have one on her cheek