Friday, August 26, 2011

The Apple School

first day of school....very nervous:)

Third time's the charm!! We tried last year to take Tate to preschool so that he could get out of the house and maybe make some new friends, but we had to pull him out because he would cry the whole time. He has some serious separation anxiety (which is really ironic because he fights with me all the live long day, but then apparently can't leave my side). Anyway, this year he is finally going! He calls it his Apple School because there's a big apple on the front of the building. That first day he only cried for a minute when I dropped him off and then was totally fine. Now he loves it! I was so proud of him!his second day of school when he realized how fun it was!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chicken sitting

We don't babysit around here, we chicken sit! Brooke went out of town this week, so we offered to watch her 5 baby chickens. Most people have dogs, my sister has chickens! But the kids have been in heaven, they love feeding them, picking them up, and chasing them around the yard. They are super easy and kinda fun to have around....but I'm sure they'll just be happy to leave our crazy house where they don't get chased all day!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Hawaii days 5-8

I was so upset because the last few days my camera died! I had brought an extra battery, but it of course was a dead battery...awesome. So I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, and some of the pictures are from Jord's phone.

I LOVE going to the flea market, I can always find the best purses, sunglasses...and just crap I don't really need, but it's awesome! And Tate was so excited to get his first tatoo, a pirate skeleton. Every mothers dreams.
That afternoon we walked to some other beaches by our place and found lots of crabs! Tate and Kaige hunted for them forever, and eventually brought like 8 or 9 back to the condo with them...

The boys with their cup-o-crabs!
On Wednesday we took a catamaran out and went snorkeling, it was so much fun. Here's all the guys just chillin on the way out.
Tate and Chace sitting on the top deck....Tate loved just riding on the boat, he was not too fond of getting in all that water.
The last full day we were there we went to the beach again(shocking I know), then drove to the temple, last time we went it was all under construction.
The we ended our last evening there by going to this little shack we've grown to love and getting the best acai bowls ever!

We had so much fun that trip, but I did miss my girl terribly! I couldn't wait to get back home to her and smooch her little face! Hopefully if we go again in the future, she'll be old enough to come.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hawaii days 1-4

We just got back from an awesome vay-cay in Hawaii with Jord's family! This time around we decided Tate was old enough to come...but not poor Marley; she got to stay with Grandma Becky. Maybe next time! I was really worried about how Tate would be during the long flight, but he actually did awesome. Although by the time we landed I thought if I heard the phrase "I wanna go to the beach, I wanna go to the beach.." one more time I would scream!Trying to pack while Tate thought it would be funny to try on my swimsuit....I may or may not have stuffed the boobs for effect:)On the plane ready to take off!It was really cute, Kathy and Steve got there a few days before the rest of us; so when they came to pick us up from the airport they had lei's for the girls, and shell necklaces for the boys!Tate and Banks making one of their MANY sandcastles that tripJord showing Tate how to boogie board in Waikiki
I love this action shot of him riding a wave! Although shortly after this he got flipped pretty hard and wasn't too happy about it

Hiking up to Waimea Falls...even in Hawaii the Utes aren't far from their minds:)

Posing at the waterfall in our sexy water socks

Max being so patient trying to show Tater how to skim-board at Waimea Beach