Saturday, February 27, 2010

Marley Mae Love

Marley was born on Tuesday, February 23rd at 11:30 am. She was 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches. Mom and baby are doing great! Story and more pictures to follow....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby's Room

I just wanted to post some before and after pictures of the baby's room before I forget to...
Before: Jord scraping off the border...what was with these people before us and borders?
And after! The only thing left is I'm waiting for my window valance to be shipped to us.
We are into stripes if you can't tell; I loved them so much in the family room that I wanted them in her room too. And yes, by the way, her name is going to be Marley. We finally decided about 3 weeks ago.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Just some random things going on with us right now...Tate was NOT having any of pre-school. We tried taking him for a few times and he just cried and cried (and tried to escape) so we pulled him out. I was really bummed because I've been looking forward to those few hours a week by myself! But I guess he's just not quite ready, so instead we put him in a parent-tot class at the same place. He's liking that a lot because I stay with him the whole time. So hopefully we can work him up to the other class again in the fall.

I've got my induction scheduled for February 23rd! There's actually an end in sight, praise the lord! I know there's people (and I think you're crazy) who love being pregnant but I am not one of them. I think it's miserable and painful and I can't wait until my back doesn't ache all the time and I can once again sleep on my name a few. So I'm now down to about 2 1/2 weeks...

Lastly, we took Tate bowling last week for the first time and he loved it! When we first got there he was so excited that he just took off running clear down the lane and was only about a foot from the actual pins when he slipped and fell (too bad I didn't get a picture of that). If he hadn't fallen I think he would have dove into the pins head first. He tried running down a few more times, but eventually got that you throw the ball, not yourself...
(Jord holding on to Tate so he wouldn't sprint)