Thursday, December 13, 2012

All about......pee

I feel like my life lately is revolving around certain people in this house and their potty issues.  One thought that it was just WAAAYYYY too far to go up that whole flight of stairs; thus peed in my basement.  The other one is in the midst of potty training.....enough said.
I was so mad I got him soapy water and made him clean it all up

New undies!!  She's so excited that we pee through change about 4 pairs a day...

On a merrier note....

We have been having some fun this Christmas season.  We've seen Santa, made gingerbread houses, had a few parties, and went to the Thanksgiving Point lights.  I'm just waiting for the Temple Square lights to have drive-through, it's the way to go...
 This was how Marley was the whole time, hanging halfway out the window
 Getting hot Chocolate after with my family
Tate was too focused to look up for a picture; he even had to do all the frosting himself

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was with Jordan's family this year; we ate a lot, played some games, and went to see "Wreck-it Ralph" was a fun day!

  Our family.....minus Tate.  He wouldn't get in the picture
 Scoping out the ads...I've never even shopped black Friday, I just like looking at the deals
 I was shocked Marley ate a roll (and played with the rest), and Tate ate some turkey.  For them that's pretty good--Thanksgiving is basically pointless for my kids.  They both hate potatoes and gravy, don't usually eat meat unless it's a nugget, and don't eat stuffing or vegetables.
 Jordan holding Bergan for the first really.  He doesn't do babies.  But he couldn't resist that cute chunk forever:)
This is what we did for "black Friday"... got out all the Christmas stuff!  The kids loved decorating the tree, even if most of my ornaments are within a one foot radius near the bottom.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful Tree

Like most people, I want to teach my children to be thankful for the things they have.  So this year we started doing a "Thankful Tree" for the month of November, writing what we're thankful for each day.  I've made Jordan and I do it along with the kids.  But of course, Tate and Marley have some of the best answers.


 I mean, who isn't grateful for waves and kitties??

(mom and dad)

(Utah, our pet lizard)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Star Wars Halloween

Tate decided for some reason he wanted to be Darth Maul this year for Halloween.  And since this is probably the last year they will allow me to "match" them, Marley was Princess Leia.  We have usually gone to our parents homes the past few years, but Tate was so excited to go trick-or-treating with his friends, so we stayed home.  The kids loved it!

 At the ward trunk-or-treat.....our previous ward never did these so this was our first experience.  Fastest way to get some candy, and the fastest way to go through a huge bag of candy in like 10 minutes.  Craziness.

Carving pumpkins for family night....who am I kidding, we are terrible at doing family night.  This just happened to be on a Monday so I deemed it FHE.

We braved Gardner Village for the sole purpose of getting pictures with the witches.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We just got back from 8 awesome, yet exhausting days in California with my sister and my parents.  Vacations are fun but I think I came back more tired than when we left.  We (me and the kids) flew out on Saturday and Jordan flew out the next afternoon because he HAD to go to the Utah vs. BYU game the night before.  So that first day we just chilled and went to the beach; it was Marley's first time there and she loved it!  I think she loved being able to get as muddy as she wanted without getting in trouble!

Macy and Marley rolling in the muddy sand 

 On Monday we went to Disneyland!  It was so freaking hot we almost melted.  And Tate whined and threw so many fits I almost gave him away to a stranger.  Each ride was his "favorite" and he only wanted to do that ride all day.  He got a little better each day so by the end of the trip he wasn't too bad;)
 The kids loved meeting the characters too.  And for Halloween the park was all decorated, and some of the characters were dressed up.
 On the rapids before getting soaked.  Tate was in heaven because he could go on almost every ride.  The only thing he couldn't do was the roller coaster in California Adventure.  So he felt super cool being able to go on the "big" rides.
Waiting in line with our sweet glasses
 On Wednesday we took a day off from the parks and went to the beach again.  It was so nice to get away from crowds and relax.
 yep, we are those parents that let their kids get their faces painted.
 Marley just about died seeing Minnie Mouse.  Minnie came up and gave her kisses and hugs, it made Marley's whole day!

 The three amigos.  They were so silly most of the time, they would hold hands and sing songs, and just act so wild and hyper. (By the end of each day we wanted to tape their mouths shut:)

Everybody went home a day earlier than us, so we drove to Sea World our last day.  It was fun, but I think we were theme-parked out by then.  So we only did that for a half day.  It felt good to go home, but it was also a little depressing to get back to reality....and having to start cooking food again:(
But we all loved it and hope the next time we go it can be with my whole family!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Family Pictures

 So we finally went and got family pictures done....I've put it off for 2 years (Marley was only 4 months old at our last one) and here are some of my faves: