My mom got me a sewing machine for Christmas. (Thanks, Mama!)
So, I decided that it would be fun to make something... I was thinking a blessing dress for our little girl, but the winning project ended up being sheets for the kids' beds!
We got a cradle for the new baby when she comes, so I made the sheet for her first, and it turned out PERFECT! I couldn't be happier with it.
I was nervous about getting the elastic and everything right, and I did! YaY!
I was so pleased, I let Jopes take my picture. :-P

And here is the finished product, just waiting for a little baby to come! :)
Next, I tried doing one of the sheets for Joseph's bed. He still mostly sleeps in his crib, but we wanted to get a toddler bed for when we move the new baby to the crib. Being so excited about my new project, we went ahead and got it. Anyway, we got two materials for him, since they were the same theme, just different patterns. I still have to make the second sheet, but here is the first.

Oh. And the sides are brown, because we found out we didn't have enough material to make the whole sheet out of the patterned material. AHH! So, we went to Walmart and just bought some brown for the sides. This sheet didn't fit as snug as the cradle sheet. It's a little too loose, so it kind of slides around on the bed. I hope the second sheet turns out better. We'll see!
Regardless of the fit, Joseph loves his new sheet! He points at all the animals on it and says, "boo! boo!" (his noise for what a cow says)
Pretend I'm not in this one, and it's cute to see him sleeping in his "big boy" bed. He thinks he's so cool. :D
We love our little guy!