Alexa's One Year Old Photo Shoot

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School

They all left with smiles !!  Thunderstorms beginning around 5 am so a bit dark for 7:15 in the morning.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Update on Alexa

Haven't taken as many pics of Alexa lately, but know you want to see some. It doesn't seem like she is changing quite so fast -- although her vocabulary is up to 30 words. The speech teacher says we only have to keep track until she gets to 50. Her 15 month check is coming up in a couple weeks so we will find out if she is still a "runt".

School is Out

We have officially begun our summer break. The weather is still a bit cool for this time of year, but that hasn't stopped us so far. (The boys have been doing swimming lessons even though it is barely above 60.) We hope next week is warmer.

This day was at least in the mid 70s, but it was before school got out.
Spring soccer season has also ended after many rainy and cold days and canceled practices, but enough fun to do it again next time around. (Brian even miraculously survived as coach of Joshua's team.)
We have had ice cream and pretended like it was super hot. (Sam has a blister--it isn't the temperature that made him grouchy.) If it were scout camp week, we wouldn't be complaining. Hopefully it won't be 85+ then.
We also had a picnic. (Early May proved just as nice as early June.)

We did officially say good-bye to the other Joneses.
Now there is only one Iowa Jones Family--very sad.
The other highlights of late are that Zachary won the 5th Grade Spelling Bee and Joshua earned his "Bear" rank advancement in Cub Scouts--both great accomplishments.
Stay tuned. . . more fun to come.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebrating with Nathan

We got to spend quite a bit of time with Uncle Nate and Aunt Mary last weekend as well as Uncle Glen who came out to join the fun.
What a good feeling to have a college education behind you. Aunt Mary's parents hosted a party in the grad's honor.Dinner and cake included.
It is bitter sweet for us as they are now venturing off to new territory in Ohio. We are going to miss them, but wish them all the best.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

On the Go

Alexa started walking on her own about a month ago. Just after the last post. These weren't the first steps, but it was still the first day. Brian wasn't home, and I didn't get video so you don't quite get the full effect. Perhaps Brian will post the video he took the next day.

Some other snap shots of her this past month. She did sprout a couple more teeth on the top and one more is cutting through on the bottom for a total of 7.