Friday, August 19, 2011

Family pictures sneak peak

We had family pictures taken while we were all together
These are the pics from my sister-in-law's camera

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Major Updating to do!

I haven't blogged in a really long time.
I'm trying to get caught up so there is a lot to see.
A lot of the pictures are out of order but you'll get the general idea :)
Hope you enjoy!
More to come soon

Michigan for the 4th
Michigan for the 4th was lots of fun!

These are Jonathan's war wounds
There's a reason we all stayed out of it

Water balloon wars.
We let the "big kids" play this one.

Ashton loved fishing.

Snake pool

Playing with cousins

Milford Parade

LOTS and LOTS of popsicles

Hanging outside on the deck with Grandpa

Horseback riding. Jonathan had a hard time walking for a few hours afterward
We went to the petting zoo. This is one of my fav pics. All the boy cousins.
"One of these is not like the others"
We had a blast in Michigan. There was so much to do.

eating popsicle with Grandma Snow

Our cute 18 month old

June 20. Happy Anniversary!
We ended up going and staying at the Homestead in Midway, UT
We got in 18 holes of golf... Well, Jonathan did. I lasted about 9
Ashton's new room

Just hanging in the sun

7 Peaks!
Ashton will hang out in the wave pool for hours if you let him.

We were so excited to start swimming this summer. We ended up going to a REC center since it wasn't warm enough outside yet.


The lump that was removed. (Sorry if this grosses you out)
It was pretty impressive how large it was
In may I had surgery. I had a lump removed from my chest.
Everything went great and I came out of it with flying colors.

Checking out a sheep farm. They sure are smelly.

Ashton LOVES the bean museum!
He knows when we're in the general area and will say, "Mom, Elephant!!"
and point towards where it is. He loves the Elephant
Here he is touching a live snake, YUCK!
Loving that the weather is starting to warm up
We like to feed the ducks

In April we had a big slumber party up in Park City for my mom's birthday.
The kids thought it was great!

Ashton getting an adjustment from Jonathan

Ashton thinks it is the funnest thing to jump up on Jonathan's tables and get adjusted

He loved flying his kite.

Flying kites

I just like this picture. He's so stinking cute

Showing his cousin his bandaid from the blood work

In March Ashton suddenly came on with a fever of 105 degrees
and had Petechiae, which shows that he had some broken capillary's.
We took him into the Dr and they were unable to figure out what was going on
but were concerned about the Petechiae so sent him in for blood work.
The first results came back not good. They gave us an antibiotic for a blood infection to see if that might be it. We would know if it worked when we got another test done and saw what the results were. They came back better the second time but still not great.
We ended up getting his blood drawn about 5 times. Which was traumatizing for both Ashton and myself. Every time we walked into the labs or the dr's office, he would start to panic.
In the end, we have no idea why his temp was so high, or why he had the Petechiae.
I'm just glad he's ok. If we don't know the answers at least he's not
dealing with the symptoms any longer.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh How I love this face!!!

Ashton is now 16 months old and growing so fast.
He's talking and walking like crazy. Jonathan and I are constantly laughing at all his fun new personality traits, which are too many to count. He is so much fun!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cousin Harrison

Harrison came to stay with us all the way from Georgia for an evening. His mom Amber came out for a quick trip and we got to watch him for a couple hours. It was so much fun!
Ashton and Harrison are about 6 months apart. Jonathan's only brother Stephen is
Harrison's daddy so it makes it extra fun that A and H are close in age. We just wish they lived close by each other always. The two of them are adorable together.
We went out to eat with Amber and sat the two boys next to each other, they shared toys with each other and held hands while they just giggled.
Then on the drive home I had the two boys in my car, and would hear giggling. I'd look back and they were holding hands again. I really wish I had a camera for that.
Maybe someday they'll go to BYU together and be roommates.
Then, they'll be holding girls hands and giggling about it to each other later.

Harrison giving his Uncle Jonathan a kiss

Harrison is a VERY happy baby!

Ashton definitely thought Harrison's carseat was more fun than his own

All Ashton wanted to do was kiss on Harrison. He just hasn't learned how to be soft
but Harrison was a good sport about it.

We love our cousin Harrison! It was so fun to play with him.
Wish we could see him and all our Snow cousin's more often than we do.