Friday, September 25, 2009

blog moved

hey all we've moved the blog over to

i was getting bugged with a few blogspot features.

i just posted jonas' new pics. you can subscribe in reader just by putting in

see you there!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Awesome Chopper

I brought up this old TV show today and my wife had no idea what I was talking about:

I have no idea how she got through the 80's.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jonas {week 33} 7 months

He's getting strong. I think it's because he insists on jumping for about three hours a day. On Friday he actually fell asleep in the jumper. It was the kind of falling asleep where his eyes were totally closed, but every time he'd nod over he'd jump a little just to convince himself he wasn't really tired - but he never opened his eyes.

He's showing me more and more each day how much control he has over my life. Lately it's little fits when he doesn't get what he wants WHEN he wants it. It's all quite grown up of him. He's starting to stand up in his crib and he can pull himself up on anything. He loves twisting around as far as he can when he's sitting in a carseat, high chair or on a lap. I think he just wants to see what's going on in the world around him.

He's a fantastic eater and napper and he keeps moving his nap schedule back so that he doesn't crash so early in the evening, which is great for us. Having him fall asleep at 5pm makes it hard to get out and do anything during the week!

He's also in love with the other baby in the mirror. Every time he sees a mirror he squawks in delight and makes a beeline to say hi to his friend.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just kids

i'm just trying to clean up some old family photos. here are a few of just the grandkids posing for me as a was working with a new light.

Friday, September 11, 2009

clean simple fonts

i love me a good font.
if you are on the hunt for a clean font here's a good article i found! and they are free!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

{week 32 7 months}

rainy day

what do you do on a rainy saturday?

Friday, September 4, 2009

don't roll your eyes at me scott simon

ok i know right about now my brother in law, scott who is jonathan's older brother, is rolling his eyes at me. but i have to say that being a mom just keeps on getting better. here's my story of the day - well there are two.

the first is short. we were at my parents playing the wii today and the music came on. it was just a little ditty, but jonas thought it was the best thing he'd ever heard and started to 'dance.' we use dance very loosely in this case. he really just started to flail his arms about and bob his head around. jonathan and i were cracking up mostly because he's never done anything like that before and it was just so unexpected.

second story. i was feeding jonas lunch today. ok i was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and pinching off bits to feed him. well, jonas decided that it would be very funny to make a face similar to this, but with his eyes closed more and snort like a horse every time he wanted another bite. this routine of his went on for around ten minutes until i tried to record him on the cell phone, at which point technology won and lunch was finished.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

guess who?

A while back Jonathan, and I were out and happened upon a really old version of the board game "GUESS WHO". It's that old game where each player has a board with little cards of different looking people and the other person tries to guess who the other players card shows.

Well we casually mentioned the idea of making a family version of guess who for the grandchildren and my family ran with the idea. So last week we gathered together for our Guess Who photoshoot. Jonathan had carefully laid out the traits for each character and the photoshoot was a blast. Here are are few of our Guess Who characters!

EDIT: Jonathan posted a comment about a template you can use and also we are ordering just the game boards, you can do so by going to this link

I'm going to try to remember to post a whole tutorial on how to make a custom guess who game when all of our photos are done and our boards arrive! It's going to be a killer FHE to put them together!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

{week 31 or 7 months} teething & my little couch potato

I officially hate teething. Jonas has just begun the process and I wish it were over! He is feverish, grumpy and generally sad. Today we had a bright little spot when I stuck him in this old baby bouncer and he thought it was a dream come true!

This week Jonas has been testing out his voice. So we'll here little squeaks, big squeaks, soft babbling, loud babbling, raspberries and every kind of sound in between.

He loves other children, and squeals in delight when cousins come to visit him! He also love 'crazy' playing where Jonathan tosses him in the air or baby rough houses with him.

And this chair is his new favorite play thing. He likes it because it's easy to stand up against, sit in or tip over. The perfect toy for a newly mobile child!