Showing posts with label photo sets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photo sets. Show all posts


Photos from my shop I've taken in the last couple of months.
Used them for the new website which I have just finished.

Just some random photos I've taken in the last couple of months when the light seemed so beautiful creating lovely shadows.

Days are getting longer now I enjoy finding the changes in light and shadows in everyday moments. They make me smile :)

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IF YOU ARE IN TOKYO THIS WEEK -->> There is a really lovely exhibition "Blossom" by a wonderful London based French jewelry artist/interior stylist Emma Cassi at the galerie doux dimanche in Aoyama now going until 28th April. I fell in love with her jewelry which she makes using vintage lace and pearls - they are amazing - and I purchased a pair of earrings a few years ago. I've been a big fan ever since. It was a real happy pleasure to meet the lovely Emma last Friday at her exhibition. I was too excited and forgot to take any photos, but the exhibition was really really good, Emma painted flowers on the window and she made the space so charming and dreamy!
If you are not in Tokyo, check out her works here, and also her blog!
januaryjanuaryjanuaryjanuary on utsurundesu one-use camerajanuary on utsurundesu one-use camerajanuary

I finally picked up my photos I took with one-use camera I bought at monogram - my favourite camera shop in Gakugeidaigaku when I went with Maria early January. No these are not instagram shots nor have they been trimmed, filtered or photoshopped but this camera takes square photos, and yes it is one of those simple disposal cameras with paper body! Not so bad are they, it was quite fun taking pictures with this camera I enjoyed it very much :)
red bridge
magnolia in the window

sunday picnic

It's not just white and pink and sakura in the Tokyo spring time. I also found reds here and there and everywhere. Oh do I love spring!

Though I haven't been able to blog much lately, photographing around never goes out of my habit. These are from November, autumn colours were prettier than ever this year in Tokyo and I really enjoyed the season. We're now in the beginning of winter, probably it's much warmer than where most of you are. My hands and feet are getting colder though. So are my cheeks when I go out, but I kind of like that.
Hope you are staying warm.

ladies in kimonoginza in the evening
Ginza looks so pretty at night time with all the lights, but it looks extra pretty when it's raining at night.

Thank you so much for lovely positive comments on my previous post for B&W shots! Now I can't wait to load another B&W film and start shooting more on B&W again.
The strong summer lights and shadows come out really nicely I think. I used Fuji NEOPAN 1600 Super PRESTO for these shots, the contrast came out quite strong (of course i didn't retouch any of these). If you have any good B&W films you can recommend I'd love to hear and try!

Have a lovely weekend everyone ;)

P.S. I went to this wonderful band's really fun show at a sweet little "kurashikku kissa" (classic tea house) in Asagaya with lovely Ebo-chan today. You should check out this post on Hello Sandwich!


Are you all enjoying summer? I hope you are!
Being in Tokyo it is not that easy, but I'm surviving....
Blue, I hoped these might soothe the heat somehow.
the window
ivy wall

green window
Back to Tokyo shots now with some greens. We are in the middle of the rainy season here in Tokyo and the weather has been really uncomfortable with high humidity which makes me want to do nothing much really. But the green colours seen around are deep and quite pretty right now, well at least.
