Saturday, 14 June 2014

'Meeting of the Directorate'

'Meeting of the Directorate', a drawing, or 'doodle', carried out at a meeting by John Vernon Lord in 1990
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 219.

'Now is the summer of our content'

'Now is the summer of out content' a drawing carried out by John Vernon Lord in 1985 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 177.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

'Escaping from Plots and Inductions Dangerous'

'Escaping from Plots and Inductions Dangerous' a drawing carried out in 1985 and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 161.

'Imprisoned with too much paperwork and no picture done'

'Imprisoned with too much paperwork and no picture done', a drawing by John Vernon Lord 
carried out  in 1974 and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 124

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Box characters

Box characters, drawn by John Vernon Lord in 1973 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 122.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

An abstract composition

An abstract composition, a coloured mono print by John Vernon Lord, carried out in 1964
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 94.

Monday, 9 June 2014

'Bust of a Forgotten Gentleman'

'Bust of a Forgotten Gentleman', a drawing by John Vernon Lord, drawn in 1970 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 114.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Donkeys, ostriches, a rhinoceros and chimpanzees

Donkeys, ostriches, a rhinoceros and chimpanzees, a drawing by John Vernon Lord, drawn in 1969 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 104.

These past three drawings on the blog were intended to be a long Noah's Arc frieze but something intervened with my progress on it. Hence only one rhinoceros! I can only see one leg on one of the donkeys too!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Camels, swallows, porcupines, dodos etc, a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1969 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 103

Friday, 6 June 2014

Giraffes, Bisons, armadillos etc

Giraffes, Bisons, armadillos etc, a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1969 and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 102

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Four plant forms

Four plant forms, a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1964 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 79 .

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


'Juggler', a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1963 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 76.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Still life: lamp, plant, screwdriver etc

Still life: lamp, plant, screwdriver etc, a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1963 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 55.

Monday, 2 June 2014

A Beefeater and American Footballers

A Beefeater and American Footballers, drawings by John Vernon Lord carried out in 1963
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 105.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

A Head

A Head, a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1963 and published in 
Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 75.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

'Man poking his eye'

'Man poking his eye', a drawing by John Vernon Lord, drawn in 1963 and published in 
Drawn to Drawing, by Nobrow Press in 2014, page 72

Friday, 30 May 2014

A self-portrait

A self-portrait by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1962 at the age of 22 or 23, 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, page 72.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

'The sun shines on a man with a beard'

'The sun shines on a man with a beard', a drawing by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1962, 
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, page 73

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A stop watch

A stop watch, a mono print by John Vernon Lord drawn in 1961, published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, page 68

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A fish close to the bait

 A fish close to the bait, a sketchbook drawing by John Vernon Lord, carried out in 1961
and published in Drawn to Drawing, Nobrow Press, 2014, page 99.